Verdict: I'm glad I tried it, but if I find someone willing to trade me a bottle of Hungry Ghost Moon or Creepy for it, it won't be hard to let it go. For that matter, I'd trade it for a bottle of Tokyo Stomp.
I feel your pain. Bloody Mary was bloody awful! It was so bad I scrubbed my hand to get the stink off, and had to apply very smelly chocolate lotion to dull the rest of it.
I posted it for trade on S&S, and it was gone in about 5 minutes. I'm mailing it to the east coast tomorrow in exchange for - LOL - Milk Moon.
Also, my dear friend lydiajayne (a recent convert, mwouahaha!) pointed out to me here (scroll down a bit) that I have you to thank for my not suffering death pangs and agony while waiting for my first BPAL order. So I'm thanking you here, again, because she reminded me. *grins*
Comments 5
I posted it for trade on S&S, and it was gone in about 5 minutes. I'm mailing it to the east coast tomorrow in exchange for - LOL - Milk Moon.
Also, my dear friend lydiajayne (a recent convert, mwouahaha!) pointed out to me here (scroll down a bit) that I have you to thank for my not suffering death pangs and agony while waiting for my first BPAL order. So I'm thanking you here, again, because she reminded me. *grins*
BPAL is one of those things that's even more fun when you have people to share it with, so no need to thank me for increasing my own pleasure. *G*
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