Skip Bayless has a small penis

Sep 06, 2005 18:01

My least favorite sportswriter of all time is Skip Bayless, and I'm absolutely amazed that he keeps getting ridiculous jobs that involve airtime on ESPN, with cold pizza and subbing in on PTI. He is what most of us would call a hack. I say this for a few reasons.

1) He yells intentionally on camera so people will listen to him

2) He looks like a used car salesman

3) He argues any point with no shame just to start a fight even when it obviously makes no sense

4) Most importantly, look at his fuckin' column archive on

Check this out. Every column he's written is way out of left field, either attacking some athlete who does something good or attacking someone's achievements, or defending some idiot argument he comes up with in his head solely for the purpose of being inflammatory. I went through his column archive and i'll summarize them one by one:
  • Mike Tyson is actually a genius
  • Baseball should have instant replay
  • Tiger Woods isn't as good as he was and has lost his magic because he didn't win the U.S. Open (he was 2nd)
  • Annika Sorenstam should play with men because no one cares about women's golf
  • Marvin Williams actually sucks and the Spurs are terrific
  • Andrew Bynum sucks
  • He brags about how he pissed off Frank Thomas, Tommy Lasorda, Tom Watson and the Cowboys
  • Let Curt Schilling say whatever he wants because he's the man
  • The home run derby sucks because everyone is and was on steroids
  • Rafael Palmeiro (before we found out he used steroids) didn't belong in the Hall of Fame
  • Tiger Woods isn't as good anymore, but it doesn't matter because all the other golfers suck so he wins
  • Some nonsense about Terrell Owens and Larry Brown and Willy Wonka, just bullshit
  • Lance Armstrong isn't one of the greatest athletes of all time because cycling is easy
  • The Eagles need to trade Terrell Owens immediately
  • Manny Ramirez is good and it would have been dumb to trade him (obviously)
  • Rafael Palmeiro getting caught with steroids is good for baseball
  • On hall of fame weekend, he writes an article belittling Steve Young and Dan Marino because they weren't as good as Joe Montana
  • It's not Bud Selig's fault that baseball has problems
  • It's not Terrell Owens' fault that he's having so many problems, it's the Eagles' fault
  • Tiger Woods leaving the PGA championship early when he was 3 strokes behind forever tarnishes his legacy
  • Who cares if athletes smoke weed, drinking booze is worse
  • The little league players are so big now, they must be on steroids
  • Michael Vick is the most overrated player

etc, etc.

So the obvious conclusion is that he has a small wang, because, let's be honest, if this was not the case, there's no way you'd be able to write that much negative shit about people, or even want to, for that matter. Jesus, every week, someone is spotlighted for being successful, old Skip is ready to blast you for no reason. What an asshole. I don't know what his problem is but ESPN is a reputable company and they need to can his ass because he is hurting America or something.
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