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Comments 28

fearlessfan April 11 2010, 20:34:09 UTC
This was fantastic! I loved the way you wrote all of the relationships in this, and the moment between Dean and Castiel at the end was particularly moving - well done!


sea_wren April 12 2010, 23:40:24 UTC
Thank you so much!

They needed a sweet moment after what I put them through!


jimandblair September 7 2010, 21:19:33 UTC
This was really good: gripping, rich with descriptions and nicely setting up a future adventure (I hope).


sea_wren September 10 2010, 22:32:38 UTC
Thank you so much!

Someday the third part that lives in my head may find its way out into the world :)


strangeandcharm September 19 2010, 16:00:13 UTC
I've just realised I've been reading this story and its prequel over and over again for WEEKS and I haven't commented yet - how incredibly rude of me!

So I'm commenting now to tell you that I loved them both, OMG, you have no idea how much! As a fan of whumped!Cas you didn't so much hit my buttons as obliterate them from space using a satellite-controlled nuclear missile system. Whoa, momma!

I also just posted about something on my LJ and recced you during the course of it - hope you don't mind! The post is here.

Thanks for writing these fics - I bloody love them and I really hope you write more some day!


sea_wren September 19 2010, 21:54:13 UTC
Holy smokes, thank you. That is an amazing compliment, it made my day, my whole week :) To hear you've re-read them... whoa. I couldn't be more flattered.

And a rec... I don't know what to say, except thank you, of course I don't mind, I'm floored!

It's always nice to hear from another whumped!Cas fan, and especially one who shares my wing kink.


lolryne March 29 2011, 23:14:39 UTC
Oh my Gooooodd!! Okay, this was such an AMAZING story, WHY DOES IT HAVE SO FEW COMMENTS? O_O
I really, really loved it! I think it was one of my favourite so far! I've a big kink for whump!Castiel too and this fic - yeah, it totally covered it XD
I think you made the characters totally IC and that was absolutely great too! I could totally read it and picture the actors, hear the voice... Lovely, lovely job! ♥ Don't ever quit writing, you're bloody talented!


sea_wren March 30 2011, 22:57:00 UTC
Thank you for such an awesome comment! Made my day to hear you liked it.

I have such a thing for angel!whump as you can no doubt tell; I'm glad the fic worked for you.

Thanks again for reading!


lolryne March 31 2011, 01:00:24 UTC
Yeah I've the most big kink for angel!whump too XD I don't know where that comes from, Cas is like, my favourite character (ex aequo with Dean), but I can't get sick of him getting hurt. (Man, that sounds so wrong).
Anyway, what I really loved with your story was that they were still very IC. No matter how Cas had been beaten up like Hell, he wasn't all emo / indulging in self-pity about it, he was just so very himself ♥ And so were Dean and Sam. Did I say I loved this story?
I hope you'll find the inspiration for some more fics in the future, I'd really be looking forward to it!


sea_wren March 31 2011, 01:18:03 UTC
Aww, if it's wrong, so am I! I have always been a h/c girl, give me whump of my favorite character (poor guys!) and I'm happy.

I'm glad you thought it was IC, it's kind of hard for a suburban library cataloger to get in the heads of tough demon hunters and otherworldly angels. It's such a compliment to hear!

The other SPN fics I've written are linked under the angel whump tag-- there aren't that many, I'm a slow writer. I do have something I'm working on in my head but real life keeps getting in the way. I need to kick myself to put words to paper!


etrix April 14 2011, 04:10:00 UTC
Following along from Comfort (and as a result of a rec on fic_slashed) I have to agree with the other posters. I really hope this is continued. Dean's struggle to balance all the demands being made is, once again, wonderfully portrayed. The soul sickness and body tiredness of fluctuating between hope and terror and cold-blank torturer(healer) had my stomach knotting in sympathy.

Off to explore to see if there's more. =]


sea_wren April 15 2011, 00:06:34 UTC
Thanks for saying such nice things!

Dean always seems to end up with way too much on his plate, but I like to think he just keeps struggling on.

If real life lets me, I do have ideas about another part of this story. My problem is that I procrastinate too much and write too slowly.


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