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Comments 4

yellowhorde January 30 2010, 21:00:37 UTC
EEE! So much love for you and your story right now! ♥

I loved Dean's 'you are not expendable' speech and the way Castiel seemed to finally get it. XD Dean's concern for the Impala is always enjoyable! And I guess it would be difficult to find replacement parts for such an old car. Never thought about that...

And when Castiel faced Zachariah and we read/hear the sound of his wings! Yay, BAMF Cas is Back! Whoo!

And now on the the epilogue. I must admit that I'm a little sad to see this story coming to an end. But I'm sure it will be fantastic. And I can always re-read! XD


sea_wren January 31 2010, 20:53:29 UTC
Thank you!

Yeah, I figured Cas deserved to be a badass after what all I put him through!

I do wonder how Dean keeps that car going... Bobby probably has a country-wide alert for parts for him!


hinokumo December 8 2010, 04:30:22 UTC
::frantic squee of joy::

THIS is how the episode should have ended! OMG you are so awesome! I love protective!Cas!!!


sea_wren December 10 2010, 03:31:47 UTC
And thank you again! Such a nice comment. I love protective Cas, too, just as much as mother-henning Dean.

I'm glad you enjoyed it.


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