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Comments 4

yellowhorde January 25 2010, 21:34:28 UTC
Oh, when I checked my email and saw a notice of a moderated submission request for angel_whump and that it was from you, I squealed in delight. No joke. You have such attention to detail in your writing, it's glorious.

I loved Dean's reaction when he finally had the Impala back. I mean, it's been pretty much the only stable thing in his life outside of Sam, is it any wonder that he loves the car like he does?

My heart bled for poor Castiel when he realized he couldn't heal or feel his wings. Poor baby! How despondent he was! But then in the end the little girl said she could see him shining when the demon had possession of her. So there's still hope! I love to see Cas in pain, but I'm glad that there is still hope for him.

Thanks so much for sharing this story with us! This story is AWESOME!!


sea_wren January 26 2010, 20:31:28 UTC
Wow, thank you for saying such nice things. And thank YOU for maintaining this community.

I like the idea of the Impala being home to them, so much more than Lawrence, or the motels & the road, or even Bobby's.

I love to see Cas in pain,

Heh. So do I. Too much, maybe, but here I am :)

Thanks for saying the story's awesome, it made my day.


This is really excellent suerum January 25 2010, 22:45:18 UTC
You can do something which so many authors can't-maybe because we're all of the feminine persuasion-you can write an action sequence that rocks! That demon coming in and Dean not wanting to kill it because of the little girl who has a heart to match his, that was riveting. I loved the mother too, she was a living breathing characterization of maternal love. You took this ordinary family of three and now they have becoming unwillingly aware of the whole hidden world of demons and the need to guard against them, a wonderful depiction. I also really like the whole theme of Dean trying desperately to hold them all together-detoxing Sam, wounded and lost Castiel. Like all good stories, you not only delivered in this excerpt but you managed to make things exponentially worse and leave us eagerly anticipating the next installment.


Re: This is really excellent sea_wren January 26 2010, 20:34:49 UTC
Thank you so much for such great feedback and esp. for saying the action-y parts were good. In real life I am so far from anyone who could deal with violence (except if it involved my kids, I'm pretty sure), that I'm glad to hear it read true.

And as much as I love a whumped Cas, I also love Dean mother-henning his little family.


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