Comfort to the Enemy, part 4

Jan 09, 2010 18:20

See part 1 for disclaimers.

Comfort to the Enemy 4 )

angel whump, castiel, spn fanfic

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Comments 18

aescu January 10 2010, 19:18:58 UTC
what an intense story. All the things Dean is doing - treating Castiel's wounds, getting rid of Ruby's car,.. - are done in such a matter-of-factly way with weariness bleeding through they are practically screaming 'Dean'. I could really feel how he was raised as a warrior and soldier with these things imprinted into his very beeing.

And Ruby's car, the forth character in this story ;) I loved how Dean felt the evil emanating by it, how he loathed the thing and how his thoughts always kept circling around his brother in Ruby's car.


sea_wren January 10 2010, 23:12:39 UTC
Thank you for your very kind comments!

I did think in S.4 it seemed like Ruby was trying to replace Dean in Sam's life, even to replacing the cool car with her own, so it was satisfying to burn it!


bold_seer January 10 2010, 21:34:05 UTC
Oooh, what an enjoyable ride! Not so much for Cas, though. ;)


sea_wren January 10 2010, 23:13:08 UTC
Thanks, and no, not so much for Cas :)


yellowhorde January 11 2010, 19:54:50 UTC
Thanks for fixing the link! XD ( ... )


sea_wren January 12 2010, 18:09:00 UTC
Thank you! I'm really flattered by your feedback & I'm glad you liked the story.

And thanks for the info on the header-- I was trying to copy what the other posts looked like, but I could try to edit the lj-cut so the header shows.


(The comment has been removed)

sea_wren February 28 2010, 21:29:12 UTC
Wow, thank you. It's really flattering having someone who writes as beautifully as you read my story. I'm glad you liked it :)


maychorian March 26 2010, 04:12:06 UTC
Ohhhh yeah. I think I reviewed this over at ff.n, but I just re-read it and still love it enormously. On to the sequel!


sea_wren March 27 2010, 00:22:08 UTC
This is so sweet of you! Re-reading, and letting me know you re-read, so incredibly flattering. Thank you so much :)


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