Comfort to the Enemy, part 1

Jan 09, 2010 17:33

Let's see if I still remember how to do this ( Read more... )

angel whump, castiel, spn fanfic

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Comments 4

prophetkristy January 10 2010, 01:57:41 UTC
Yay! You're alive! *runtacklehug*

I don't watch SPN, so basically not reading this. But I was wondering about you recently! And all your many themed Christmas trees! Glad to see you're still around.


sea_wren January 10 2010, 12:44:23 UTC

Still alive, if being consumed wholly by Supernatural counts as alive. And I just got done putting away all my xmas decorations, along with hefty doses of mothballs because I got mice in my closet when the weather turned so cold!

One of these days I'll catch up on LJ again; I hope all's well with you :)


prophetkristy January 18 2010, 19:36:41 UTC
I'm busybusy, but I do like my job, so it's mostly worth it. :-) Hope you are doing marvelously!


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sea_wren January 10 2010, 18:24:37 UTC
I am! Heh, you don't want to know how long it took me to get all those cuts & links typed properly!


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