Moving Target

Aug 15, 2004 22:19

Here is the new chapter, subtitled "Tycho gets some". I'm still shy about posting smut; I hope it "works".

Chapter 11 )

tycho, sw fanfic

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Comments 15

guinastasia August 27 2004, 22:56:29 UTC
Oh yes! You're updating again! YAY!!!


sea_wren August 28 2004, 12:19:22 UTC
Yes, slowly but surely...

I may be old & wrinkled & have completely forgotten what sex is like, but this story will get to its conclusion.

I'm glad you found it & hope you enjoyed.


anonymous August 28 2004, 19:19:08 UTC
I am so glad you are continuing this story. Tycho is such a wonderful character & you portray him excellently.

Gwen (Banshee)


sea_wren September 5 2004, 11:38:45 UTC
Yeah, I do love Tycho! He survived Lusankya before Corran did-- but Corran's ordeal gets all the screen time in the X-wing books; he has Wedge's back-- "it took 6 cycles before Wedge started using Tycho's first name" (paraphrased) but then Tycho's the one who sticks with Wedge all the way through The Unifying Force -- but Corran's the one who's portrayed in X-wing: RS as being Wedge's friend, 10 minutes after Corran shows up; Tycho lost a world & Hal Horn died in the line of duty, but Corran's the one whose grief (and endless angsting) we see.

I'm not a fan of Corran! :D

So Tycho needs some attention.

Thanks for your feedback & thanks for continuing to read!


sea_wren November 25 2004, 23:45:48 UTC
Yes yes yes, you're so absolutely right!
I was completely into Tycho from the first page he appeared on in RS. Such a wonderful contrast to Corran!
So please write some moooooore... ^_^ Your story is one of my top favourites, and I check for updates every month since it started on WEB.


sea_wren November 27 2004, 16:18:21 UTC
An update is in the works. Don't want to make any promises on when it'll be up, but as soon as possible.


prophetkristy December 8 2004, 07:52:57 UTC
*g* Not a fan of corran either, for that very reason. I love Mike dearly, but...


Any news on updates? anonymous October 3 2004, 22:47:11 UTC
Just wondering when you were planning on updating. I need more Tycho!! ;)

Banshee (Gwen)


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