Apr 28, 2004 20:32
it seemed for a while
but itwasonly whispering
like the snake tongue
kissing the ear
kissing the air with
jaunty (solar) flare,his caress that breathes
fever into skin
the flamearms of the summer son
+ boils blossom like springflowers in a ring
with a pocketful of posies
Apr 26, 2004 20:55
i eroticize youth; adolescence, adolescents
fresh lips
never having tasted the body's
musky honey
+the salty skins of fruits
Apr 26, 2004 14:47
my favorite harmony involves the c major triad
+ the e minor triad in third inversion: nat og dag
tout à fait (seulement)
the bass (c major)
tonic dominant tonic dominant
the bass (e minor)
dominant mediant tonic
c major: c, g, C, g
e minor: b, g, e
let it never resolve
it;s endless like waves in the ocean
Apr 26, 2004 13:13
today at two o' clock i drive over the steal suspension bridge to the next town over, the next island. there is a young girl, svelt as a spring shoot + fresh + caustic as the sea air in any season. i,m returning some records she lent me + i know it will be the last time we,ll see eachother; she doesn,t.