Title: Patty Cannon Recipient: kamdensl Rating: G Characters/Pairings: Patty, Liz Summary: The Thompson sisters show their mastery of Soul Resonance, minus the 'death' motif.
I like to give specific feedback, but I'm *really* bad at talking about art, since I know so little about it. But I'll try! I love the contrast between the (fitting) metallic colors and that hot burst of Liz. And I love the wicked pixie-faces and... oh, their hair's so pretty.
And I love Patti's non-Death costume. Much cooler. :)
Comments 7
*reduced to incoherency*
I like to give specific feedback, but I'm *really* bad at talking about art, since I know so little about it. But I'll try! I love the contrast between the (fitting) metallic colors and that hot burst of Liz. And I love the wicked pixie-faces and... oh, their hair's so pretty.
And I love Patti's non-Death costume. Much cooler. :)
This fanart is just incredible, thank you! <3 Now I'll be going into SE 81 and 82 expecting something epic like this.
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