Title: Maka Albarn and the Treacherous Intrigue of the Skivvies Conspiracy
hoshi_ryoRating: G
Characters: Maka, Tsubaki, Liz, and Patti
Summary: True friendship means sometimes having to conspire against someone for their own good.
Maka had good instincts for these sorts of things, so it didn't take her long to figure out that she was being lured into a trap. )
Comments 7
As for Maka and the underwear shopping: She took the news with good grace. Though it sounds like she's going to keep on flashing everybody anyway...just not as interestingly. ^^
...Death kitty?
Anyway, YAY! I'm glad that you liked them. And I'm so glad that you requested Not! lesbian OT3 because I might have never had the courage to write it without knowing that there was somebody else out there who actually wanted to read it. :)
I adore Not! lesbian OT3. It's a wonderful, hilarious subtext to the series, that just adds to my love of it--especially when the first few chapters sort of ensured it'd be nearly impossible to not suspect that it being there is totally and completely intentional. Doesn't hurt that it's adorably cute & fluffy.
You had me rolling in fits of laughter. I love that. I love that alot with fics (which are rare). Many thanks for this share, i really enjoyed it!! :)
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