Fanvid love meme!

Dec 02, 2009 07:46

Fanvid Love Meme!

Totally, shamelessly stolen from toast_ofthetown. Vidders can ALWAYS use some extra love. Especially those of us currently wrestling with festivids. Heh.

Instructions/Rules- Comment with your username and the fandoms you vid for (or a selection you've vidded the most for, if you're all over the place ( Read more... )


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callmeonetrack December 2 2009, 15:51:22 UTC
Ooh I will follow you down:

My vids
Fandoms (er, only BSG, and one Smallville S8 vid)


callmeonetrack December 3 2009, 05:40:16 UTC
It's really hard to go wrong with Kara/Pink. ;)

Sigh I'm all nostalgic for the early vidding days when I got super crazy prolific and then IFVP! I wish I could get back to that same mindset!!

Oh you know lately I've been really thinking of doing a Kara/Cain fic. But um a vid about Kara and all her mother figures (Socrata, Laura, Cain) would be very interesting indeed. INDEED. Now ... a song...hmm.

Thank you so much friend!


emmiere December 3 2009, 04:36:15 UTC
You vids never get old to watch, so full of energy and Kara love. And the sometimes crackily perfect song choices.
And then you go and kill me with My Medea, yeesh. You do all of it well. could always crossover BSG with FNL? /terrible idea. :)


callmeonetrack December 3 2009, 05:41:35 UTC
Oh thank you! :)

Like a crossover vid? That's interesting! I never really thought about doing anything like that. Hmm...


chamalla December 3 2009, 14:09:05 UTC
I admit I don't know many of your vids (only your latest Gone Wild and Lee mix comes to mind) but now that I went to your YT channel I can't stop watching (and giggling) :D
You are so good with crack, please don't ever stop making vids like that :)


callmeonetrack December 3 2009, 15:36:15 UTC
Aw! Thank you so much! I'm so pleased you are enjoying! I really do love the crack. Heh.


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