I am avoiding sugary foods today in prep for my glucose test later this afternoon, and all I really want from life right now is a warm cinnamon roll. I blame you,
SO. A distraction. Last seen on
shipperx's journal:
15 Books Meme
You're not supposed to think too long or too hard on this one. List 15 books you've read that will always stick with
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Comments 12
Also how on earth is it being so stupid hot out counted as winning at summer? Look up your definitions, winning shouldn't need an advisory.
Yeah, see, I'm coming from the angle of someone who really likes the occasional heat wave (because 'heat wave' in Seattle is also different than 'heat wave' in San Diego), so my definitions of winning are off from everybody else's up here. Hee.
stories about dogs or stories contrived to include as many reasons as possible for characters to get nekkid
That sounds about right. I started on my Heinlein kick in 7th grade. It was all downhill from there.
I think Watership Down the book is better than the movie (and I like the movie), but, yes, the movie is FREAKY. That movie traumatized me, even though I knew the story going in. Aieee.
Thank you for the entertainment! Hee.
Falling down and smacking your bum on the ground is evolutionary incentive to learn how to walk, dang it. If you separate the effect from the cause, these kids won't learn anything, Darwinianly speaking.
I don't know if Darwinianly is a word but it sounds like it should be :)
Exactly! That's why they're CALLED "toddlers." Because they TODDLE.
You don't want cinnamon rolls! REALLY!
Both Watership Down and Julie of the Wolves are among my childhood favorites. I have a random fondness for books staring animals, it seems.
I love books starring animals. Animals FTW!
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