The Great Vidding Truth Meme - Third Time's the Charm

Jan 27, 2009 12:20


2006 | 2008- Comment with your user name, and those willing shall reply with thoughts on any vids that you have made. That means it does not make a difference what subject(s) your pieces reflect. This is entirely multi-fandom ( Read more... )

vidding, vid talk

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charmax January 27 2009, 20:28:29 UTC
I'm in again this year. :)

My vids @ LJ (download/stream)
My vids on Imeem (stream)


charmax January 29 2009, 08:44:00 UTC
I've always thought of action sequences (up until recently) as one of my weaker points as a vidder so it's awesome to note that you watched several of my vids and thought they were all working and distinctive in their own individual styles.

Thank you!


charmax January 28 2009, 07:30:25 UTC
Your 'Smiling Faces' vid is my favourite Torchwood vid ever. Its really 'smart' vidding--which is something I think characterizes all your vids, because as a casual TW viewer I initially just saw it as an upbeat way of capturing the show's vivacity. But on rewatch I got way more out of it about Jack and his team and their approach to life, the universe and everything.


charmax January 29 2009, 08:55:45 UTC

I like the deep and thinky meta stuff but it doesn't have to be bleak to be telling. I often like to go into a character, situation or relationship from a lighter perspective as you've already guessed. It just makes it much more pleasurable for me. I have enough angst in my real life.


charmax January 28 2009, 09:03:50 UTC
I had to repost to your vid "I'm Your Man" for the Femslash challenge.
Lovely stuff!


charmax January 29 2009, 08:56:36 UTC
Thank you. *g*


bradcpu January 28 2009, 18:00:16 UTC
You make life horrible for your betas by being so damn perfect with your first drafts. Make some mistakes once in a while. It makes us feel smarter.


charmax January 28 2009, 18:05:12 UTC
No one sees the actual first draft cus that would be like walking out the house naked.


sabaceanbabe January 29 2009, 19:37:54 UTC
Best (and truest!) comment EVER. :)


charmax January 30 2009, 00:49:04 UTC
You are such a accomplished vidder. I think you are absolutely up with the top vidders of the community. I think the thing you most excel at is editing and you always produce such a polished product. Clean and precise. You also are very diverse, and I believe have a very intelligent style and approach. Sometimes when I'm watching, having seen a lot of your earlier stuff too, I wonder if you still vid with the same joy as a few years ago? and do you ever feel restricted by any "vidding rules" or your own knowledge from years of experience? Do you ever feel it can become too serious?
Your comedy/upbeat vids are my absolute favourites but I feel your emotional videos are probably some of the most powerful in the community.


charmax January 30 2009, 08:31:14 UTC
Thank you so much.

Yes, I have to admit I did find vidding a more joyful experience a few years ago. The pure undiluted pleasure I used to get from vidding is gone forever. It's been replaced by a much greater sense of achievement than I ever got from my early vids. Knowing the rules and learning how to do more things hasn't been directly responsible for that. The thing that changed was that I started to want each vid to be the best I could possibly make it and for someone like me who is naturally a bit slapdash that can make vidding way more painful.

I don't feel restricted by the rules of vidding, I do sometimes feel herded by the trends and developments in vidding into a place I'm not always comfortable with. It's not like anyone is forcing me but it does takes a braver vidder than me to risk going it alone on a regular basis.

I don't think vidding has become too serious as a whole but I do think that I, and possibly vidders more generally, need to remember that it is a hobby and not, say, bomb disposal.


charmax January 31 2009, 11:06:07 UTC
Boom Boom Ba and Candleburn are two of the most beautifully crafted vids I've ever seen. The sheer musicality you exhibited in taking both songs and making them move and emote via ingenious editing astounds me.

Meanwhile, Beautiful Obscene remains one of the vids I feel honest to god *compelled* to return to every so often and I'm not even familiar with the source. The vid just fascinates me, plain and simple.


charmax February 1 2009, 05:28:59 UTC
It's always nice to find out someone thinks so highly of my vids. It's particularly nice that you mention Beautiful Obscene it doesn't often get a lot of attention with it being for such a tiny British show. Boom Boom Ba and Candleburn on the other hand have proved very popular and I am always grateful for the praise heaped upon them. It has been very uplifting to read such lovely things about my vidding. Thank you!


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