The Great Vidding Truth Meme - Third Time's the Charm

Jan 27, 2009 12:20


2006 | 2008

- Comment with your user name, and those willing shall reply with thoughts on any vids that you have made. That means it does not make a difference what subject(s) your pieces reflect. This is entirely multi-fandom.
- You should also include a link to your vid page, if you have one, or your LJ memories if you save vids there.
- When replying to an individual, please remember to comment ANONYMOUSLY, no matter your response. You may include time markers from the person's vids if need be.

Note that anonymous is active. IP logging is off.

And please don't be rude when commenting, there is a difference between constructive and destructive criticism. Don't be afraid to put yourself on the spot. Constructive criticism is good for the soul. Also, even if you feel like you're not the best vidder, please comment anyway, or comment to other people. This is supposed to help people grow, and see their strengths and weaknesses.

vidding, vid talk

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