Joy is in the air

Jan 10, 2008 04:54

Welcome to More Joy Day! The goal of today is for us to seek out and give joy to others, in the hopes that it will expand outward into the world. As troyswann said, "Joy, it seems, is exponential." I believe that it is, and today we're putting that theory to test. :) (Also, we want to give 2008 a good kick in the pants and start things off on a high note.)

The ultimate goal is to do something joy-filled for someone(s) today, either something small like letting someone in front of you in line or in traffic, or something big like writing a fic or making a vid for someone. The smallest amount of joy helps, and is a kindness that wasn't there when you started. You're further encouraged to then post about it and comment here with your link for further joy-sharing. I'll be posting my own fannish things separately, and commenting here with the links as well.

I was so excited about this, I almost stayed up till midnight just to post, but then realized I need the sleep. Plus: work. Heh. Anyway, I've got a couple of physical-space joy things in motion already and plan to try to get in one more while I'm out at lunch with brynnmck.

One of the interesting things I've noticed about my preparations for More Joy Day are how happy they've made me, just trying to find things I could do for others. It's been a good reminder to myself that I find the most joy in helping other people be happy.

So! Comment away - and I'll post again in a moment with my own (first) contribution. And you're welcome to link to this or the original post.

joy to the world

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