Wonderfalls and wondering

Jan 12, 2006 07:31

Thank you all for the comments on my IJVP vids. The feedback helps teach me new things about the vid and vidding in general, and it picks me up when I'm lagging behind, which, based on last year, my half-way-through-the-project-lag gets pretty severe. :) In order to keep my mind fresh, here are a couple of non-IJVP things.

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Comments 17

f1renze January 12 2006, 16:03:35 UTC

Did you know I couldn't watch the last three episodes until people assured me I would be okay? I said, "I don't want my perfect flat-and-bitter hero to fall in love and it's of course to a great guy and of course she gets hurt anyway. Why does 'growing' always mean opening yourself up to others and shit like that? Argh!" I had serious issues, man. I wanted to protect Jaye so badly, I couldn't see straight.

I'm so glad you're having fun with the show. And Aaron and Mahandra OWN me.


sdwolfpup January 12 2006, 16:36:33 UTC
I am just so broken-hearted for her, and there's just not enough time to make her feel all better, but she can grow and be stronger even though it hurts. *sniff*


eva_mac January 12 2006, 16:09:25 UTC
I'm bugged just by your description of that romance novel. Because obviously the best way to comfort someone who's been abused is to take away their power, again, some more, by withholding orgasm and pressuring them sexually. Yes. But it's okay, because it's LUV!!!

...I have real issues with romance novels that paint females as weak-willed, whimpering whiners who need only the touch of a man to awaken/heal them. That's probably why I enjoy Nora Roberts (I just finished "Red Lily", too, and liked it. Her new one is "Northern Lights", a romance-murder mystery set in Alaska.) - often, her heroines are the sexual aggressors.


sdwolfpup January 12 2006, 16:38:00 UTC
The worst part about it is that the author is trying to present the heroine as strong and self-sufficient, and then she totally gives in to this guy. And he's not trying to harm her (he keeps thinking about how much he wants to protect her and he's all very alpha-male and everything). It's so obnoxious!


brynnmck January 12 2006, 16:59:46 UTC
Oh, my heart just broke for Jaye in that one. There's one ep in the three you've got left that I think is kind of a clunker, but the other two are good, especially the last one, which is AWESOME. Stupid Fox.

Re: the romance novel: EWWWWWWWW. That is just yucky. To me, that's even worse than the whole, "Only I make you feel this way!" dominance thing, which also really bugs me.

Does it make me a total wuss if Red Lily scared me? I was reading it while I was home by myself one night, and I was like, "EEEK! GHOST!" I'm such a wuss. I did like that trilogy, though, and I really liked Red Lily, especially. I will say this for Nora Roberts: she does tend to tell the same few stories (essentially) repeatedly, but they're good stories. :)

I tried to murder asta77 via smoke inhalation last night. It was a proud moment. I hope we get to see you tonight!


sdwolfpup January 12 2006, 17:50:03 UTC
Stupid Fox! I'm glad the last episode is good; I was worried it wouldn't work because it wasn't necessarily meant to be a show ender. Like, the final ep of Carnivale is a fantastic season finale, but not a good series finale.

OMG, Red Lily scared me too! I was also alone while reading it and the ghost freaked me out, especially when he was in the pond. *shudder*

Why were you smoking around asta? Was there a fire? Hee. I'm glad you're having fun. I will probably go tonight, but I have to find out where and when.


brynnmck January 12 2006, 17:57:31 UTC
Well, Minear said he had a pretty good inkling from the beginning that it would get cancelled, so yeah, the last episode actually works quite well as a series finale. I've probably told you this before, but to me, watching Wonderfalls felt like watching a really long movie... it's resolved pretty well at the end, or at least it was for me.

I was trying to make sausage, rice, and peas for dinner last night, and I'd never used the pan I was using before, and I put the sausage in it and it smoked like CRAZY. Like, filling the house. I still don't know what the deal was, but the sausage was ruined (and possibly the pan, too), and we had to open all the windows and turn on all the fans and such, and Mr. McK had to go get more sausage, and I pretty much just failed at hostessing. SHAME. We didn't end up eating till 9, which was midnight for asta... SHAME.

I just made reservations at Wild Ginger for 6:15. here's a map in case you forgot where it is. YAY!


sdwolfpup January 12 2006, 18:15:18 UTC

Wild Ginger, 6:15. *makes note*

*uses Kara/Anders icon* Hee.


heresluck January 12 2006, 17:18:47 UTC
I *love* your Wonderfalls sibling icon. One of the things I love most about the show is the way Jaye's family, who start out as amusing caricatures, become steadily more and more real (though still quirky) over the course of the show. I would never have believed that I would love Aaron so much by "Lying Pig," but I just love them all. Gah. Stupid FOX.


sdwolfpup January 12 2006, 17:51:22 UTC
become steadily more and more real

Yes. It's probably my favorite part about the show - and there is a lot to like. I'm just amazed at how they've each become fascinating characters on their own, with their own motivations and lives. I never get the feeling they're just sitting around, waiting for Jaye to show up to be activated.


wesleysgirl January 13 2006, 03:21:36 UTC
Hey, just wanted to let you know that I'm using this icon that you made -- it's lovely. Thank you!


sdwolfpup January 13 2006, 07:17:58 UTC
Thank you!


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