IJVP - Day 4!

Jan 11, 2006 17:17

Today's vidlet was suggested by countessmary, it's a Firefly vid to Jason Mraz's "Not So Usual."

For those of you who are just here for the vids - please right-click and 'Save Target As.' The file is DivX AVI.

Not So Usual (18 MB)
ETA: Until my website stops acting wonky, here is the vidlet through Yousendit.com.

EATA: Looks like the website is working again, so use the regular link. :) I'll leave the YSI link up in case anyone wants to use that instead.

Please let me know if you're unable to play the vidlet.

This is the most unusual story
of a most unusual girl
she's the paint in my picture
of a most unusual world
she's controlling my brain activity
knowing when I go to sleep
she'll catch me when I'm falling hard

she's not so hooked on the drugs like I thought that she was
and never sucking on the lime
and hardly sipping on the wine
and despite of her bipolar rollercoastering
I think I can trust she'll keep me singing differently
and it's fine cause she's with me now most all of the time
trying and saving my life
thinking not of her own
and always kissing me goodnight when I just need to be alone
she's so sweet, so discrete, she's exactly what I need
not even make believe

My Thoughts; What Works; What Doesn't
I went back and forth a lot over whether to include footage from the movie. I wanted to, since some of the lyrics I chose would have supported it perfectly, but I thought it was too obvious and decided to try something more subtle. Of course it still comes out about as subtle as a kick in the head, but I like it. This is also not meant to be overt CSI, but I think it can't be helped.

Overall I'm happy with the vidlet. It's got nice pacing, bouncing along sharply with the music, which was really fun to vid to. I actually made this vid almost entirely this morning before work and then a little bit at lunch, it went really fast. I think the frame shifting works because of the quirky nature of the song and River herself. I'm on the fence about the flashes of light on a few of the cymbal crashes; I think it works beautifully on the very first one, but the others don't flow quite as well for me. The two still frames effect at :25-:26 I didn't intend to do or even leave in, but I liked how it fit and I'll be using that effect in another vid later. I wish I'd been able to end the audio better, it would have given the end of the vid more resonance. I think I probably should have put a light flash on the cymbal at 1:04, but I really wanted the action itself to stand on its own. Still, I think the audience wanted a flash there, to go with the others.

My personal favorite part of the vid is the section from :42-::46 ("I trust she'll keep me singing differently / and it's fine / 'cause she's with me now") because at one point it actually made me tear up. I'm not sure I should admit that, but there you go. Heh. And I like the "thinking not of her own" section with the slices of River.

What I Learned
This vid was all about General Convolution. Well, not all about it, but it was the primary New Thing that I tried. It's what was used in the lightening effects, keyframed with love. Hee. I also experimented with the frame shifting, and to get those, I used the Motion tab, Rotation at either -45 or 45 degrees. The dissolves are Additive dissolves, with the second clip zoomed and shifted in the Motion tab to get the faces to match up with the first clip. The two stills effect is the Strobe filter, set to 18. I was just curious what it did, so I'll plan to use this again in a future vidlet. Black spaces made with the Slug generator.

This song has been in my head since I first heard it in December. Hopefully I can move on to a new one now by sharing it with you. There have been all sorts of vids released lately that I want to check out but everything that doesn't directly effect IJVP has been put on hold. If you couldn't already tell. However, I do want to point you towards two other recent products of Insane Vidding Projects - dualbunny's Spike/Coat vid, Black Black Heart and f1renze's vidlet, My Band. They are both fantastic, and in totally different ways. Keep on eye on them, pipsqueaky and sweetestdrain for future IJVP-type vid-goodness!

ETA: I changed my mood theme to this spectacular Serenity one by smut_queen. You can get it here, if you're interested.

vid rec, vid post, ijvp 2006, vidding

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