New vid! - "Lullaby" (Horatio Hornblower)

Jul 21, 2005 06:22

This vid was made for brynnmck as half of her wedding gift. (She will also be receiving dishes, which I expect to eat off of. Hee.) She presented the song to me several weeks ago while I was finishing my VVC Premiere vid (which, by the way, I really hate right now and I'm glad I don't have to see it again until August), and I started vidding it in my head immediately. It went through several changes on story and set up, and I actually at one point had Horatio as the recipient of the "you," but it never worked for him like it worked for Archie.

Anyhow, this is brynn's gift, which she has allowed me to share with you, the Horatio Hornblower fans of the world.

Schmoop warning ahead. If that's not your thing, you should sidle on by.

Title: Lullaby
Song Title: Lullaby 101
Artist: Redbird
Spoilers: The entire series through "Retribution."
Subject: "We'll build a boat and we'll hope that it floats, and we'll sail away"; Horatio/Archie

Right-click and save target as! (Quicktime file; 18 MB)

Lullaby 101

sleep you little soldier boy
with your ear against the wall
you have held that rifle all of your life
and now it's time to let it fall

sleep you little alibi
with your reasons in a row
you have turned in circles all of your life
just so your shadow would not show

dream with me, dream with me
and we'll wake in better days
and we'll build a boat and we'll hope that it floats
and we'll sail away

sleep you little resume
with your head above the crowd
you have held your breath in all of your life
just to make somebody proud

sleep you little reservoir
let your banks just overflow
no you can't contain all of that rain
you're gonna have to let it go

dream with me, dream with me
and we'll wake in better light
and until we rise with open eyes
goodnight, my love, goodnight
yes until some sun wakes everyone
goodnight, my love, goodnight

Things I learned with this vid: Sometimes cutting on the beat can wreck the flow of a slow song. And I really love to cut songs down. One of these days I'll leave a song alone.

All comments and feedback welcome (unless you say "I hate schmoop and so I hate this!" in which case I have to say - "Did you read the warning?"). Other than that, lay it on me. :)

I will be very busy over the next week so I will respond to comments as soon as possible.

vid post, vidding

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