Ok, for ones who care:
Just wanted to write and say thanks for your concerns. I'm doing fine now. That hyper spell burned off around 1am and I was up 4x going to the bathroom from the amount of water I drank.
In reviewing my diet that day, I think the reason for the huge spike in BGs and the hypers is the day. Although I always eat low glycimic, and
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Comments 9
- Shado
The thing with the ice cream is not what caused this I suspect. If you ate differently perhaps look at what else you ate for the culprit. Sometimes foods you order have things in them you have no clue about. Having been a diet cook for so long I can safely say that sometimes it isn't what you eat so much as how much and how it was prepared. If you want me to I can look at ADA diets for you. (oh lord I am bored as hell it's summer time can you tell? I am offering to work!)If you really want to know why not try some Skinny Cow ice cream sammy's, or Weight Watchers Ice cream treats. Not sure if they are no sugar, but you never know. They also makes non sugar popsicles, or all juice no sugar added popsicles.
*nicker nuzzle*
Ohh? This was the first time I tried ice-cream since Rxed. But yes, there was chillis, and could be other things. It's hard to figure out when you eat out. But yes, I probably overate too. That's one thing I noticed I'm starting to do again, which isn't good for my BGs. Even though my a1c was 5.7 that doesn't mean I'm still eating well enough. I'll have to start re-educating myself on portion sizes I guess.
Thanks for the idea on the ice cream hun :). That's one thing that people don't relieze at times. Sugar free does not mean diabetic safe for carbs has to be taken into account as well. But I can look at the labels. They're usually pretty accuate. I'm going food shopping today, I'll check for them :)
Thanks hun!
- Shado
Glad you're doing better on both counts.
Thankfully so far, Splendra hasn't been a problem with me, but it's always something I have to keep an eye on. (sigh) pain in the arse!
Thanks hun!
- Shado
Don't worry love, part of LJ is being given the freedom
to vent and not feel judged over it.
Glad your feeling better!
Aww, thanks :) Your right though. It helps too, in so many ways.
- Shado
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