Little brother do you hear me Part 4

Jan 28, 2011 18:31

Title: Little brother do you hear me (4/5)
Author: scyllaya  
Pairings/Characters: Castiel/Gabriel (and a bit of Castiel/Gabriel/OFC), various minor characters and pairings only mentioned
Rating: NC-17 for the entire story
Warnings: cursing, graphic sexual content: slash and a bit het, threesome, male/male(/female), possible underage drinking and sex (depending on the laws of your country), also drunk sex (might appear a tiny bit dub-con for some), and pretense-incest I guess (is that a kink?, I have no idea)
Spoilers: None, AU
Word Count: 2 526 (this chapter)
Summary: Gabriel and Castiel are step-brothers, who grew up together.
Disclaimer: All names and characters in this story belong to CW/WB and Mr.Kripke. I’m playing, not stealing! If you sue me a fairy will die.
Author’s Note: My Kitty Muse decided that it’s been too long since I wrote Castiel/Gabriel. The idea struck my mind and it stuck. So here it is.

Title is from: Red Hot Chili Peppers - The Power Of Equality

Un-betad, all the mistakes are my own! Sorry about that, try to ignore it!


Part Four

Gabriel relaxed for another few seconds then he realized that it was time to get cleaned up, because they were a mess, Castiel more so, but he too stained his T-shirt and jeans. He leaned back to get up but Castiel grabbed his arm.

‘What?’ he asked slightly confused.

‘Where are you going?’ Cas asked in a concerned tone.

‘Just the bathroom, relax, we gotta clean up’ Cas was just frowning at him. ‘What?’

‘Are you going to second-guess this, doubt it or freak out the moment we’re not within touching distance?’ Castiel asked and Gabriel chuckled.

‘No’ he smiled.

‘I’ll get a towel’ and he climbed out from under Gabriel, pulling back his pants. ‘Stay where you are!’ he pointed a finger at him with a serious expression on his face. Gabriel flopped down onto the bed and stared at the ceiling. He said he won’t start freaking out, so he very pointedly kept his mind blank an enjoyed the afterglow.

He opened his eyes, when he felt a wet towel on his skin. Castiel was shirtless and he obviously cleaned up already. Cas was moving the material slowly and thoroughly, cleaning him up. Gabriel wanted to point out that he could do this on his own, but he stayed quiet.

He did wipe his hand himself, but his T-shirt was not that easily cleaned.

‘It’s gonna get you dirty again’ Castiel remarked looking at the stain on Gabriel’s dark tee, first of all, he was surprised how much the word ‘dirty’ coming out of Cas' mouth sounded like a suggestion, and second he just rolled his eyes before he pulled the material over his head an tossed it aside, it was obvious that this was what Castiel wanted to suggest.

Castiel tossed the towel aside and started to trace a line on Gabriel’s chest. His fingers were just barely touching his skin, but he was still mapping his muscles and the look on his face was downright hungry.

‘What’s on your mind little brother?’ he asked then and watched as Castiel’s eyes darkened. Hmm… interesting. He tipped his chin up in an inviting gesture and Cas had his lips sealed on his the next second. This kiss was a lot gentler than the one they shared before, it was deep, but exploratory, their lips slid and their tongues met slowly. Tasting each other and learning every inch. Gabriel had to admit that he liked it, he liked it very much. He liked Castiel’s full lips on his own, liked his fingers digging into his flesh as he was mapping his ribs. He liked how his tongue explored his mouth like he never wanted to stop kissing him. Gabriel pushed his fingers into Cas’ short hair to angle his head and to hold on to him, keeping them close. And he was sure that a second round was coming if they kept this up.

Then there was a knock on the door and they parted so quickly Castiel nearly fell off the bed.

‘Castiel sweetie’

Oh shit! Gabriel rolled off the bed and was sure that his expression was on the verge of panic.

‘Give me a sec Mom!’ Castiel called out as he too got up and rushed to his closet. Gabriel finally zipped and buttoned up his jeans and then realized that his T-shirt was too obviously stained. He felt the panic raising within him and he turned towards Cas who just pulled a tee over his head. His brother reached back to the closet and grabbed a random T-shirt and threw it at Gabriel. He pulled it on, even if it was two sizes too small and then his mind was racing where to actually position himself. Cas was walking towards the door, when Gabriel sat down at the chair at Cas’ desk and opened up his laptop. He had no idea why he did it, but… Cas opened the door.

‘Hey Mom’ Gabriel had to give it to him that he did sound absolutely calm.

‘Are you feeling better honey?’ Rebecca asked. She probably just got home from work.

‘Yes, thank you’ Castiel answered.

‘I don’t know, you look a little flushed to me, you sure you’re not feverish?’ The laptop finished booting and Gabriel expected to die at a heart-attack within seconds.

‘I don’t think so, maybe a little’ Castiel answered, still smooth, Gabriel felt really proud.

‘Okay, here’s your laundry’ Gabriel heard their Mom. ‘And did you see your brother, he’s usually home by… oh there you are’ he knew now that Rebecca entered the room but there was no way in hell he would turn around to look at her. Cas could explain being red and sweaty by being officially ‘sick’, but Gabriel did not have that luxury.

‘What are you boys up to?’ she asked then, Gabriel also heard the rustling of clothes, Castiel was probably putting away his clean stuff.

‘I just wanted to check out some stuff and Cas’ computer is faster’ he had no idea where the hell that came from, but it was better then ‘We just had sex’, so he rolled with it. Rebecca chuckled.

‘You’re such a lousy liar sometimes Gabriel’ she told him. ‘It’s not a sin you know, that you want to give your brother a little company when he has to stay in bed, and it’s definitely not dangerous to your masculinity.’ Oh dear God someone shoot him now.

‘Is that all?’ Castiel asked, his tone still calm and easy.

‘I have to get back to the office, just wanted to check up on you’ she answered. ‘Sure you don’t need anything?’

‘I’m sure that if anything comes up, Gabriel can handle it.’ That little bastard! Gabriel actually had to focus really-really hard not to react at that, it sounded absolutely normal, except for Gabriel. And Castiel? Not even butter would melt in his mouth.

‘Okay then, try not to burn down the house’ Rebecca said and then she was gone.  Gabriel pushed away the laptop and banged his head down onto the desk. He seriously wanted to be struck by lightning or something, and he was thanking whoever deity might actually listen that Rebecca never barged into their rooms without knocking, because there’s just no way one could explain why he was shirtless on a bed with his dick practically hanging out from his jeans and had his tongue shoved down the throat of his half-naked little brother on top of him.

Then he heard that Castiel was laughing quietly. He raised his head and turned around with the chair with a scowl.

‘Excuse me? Is this funny to you?’ he asked. Castiel finally stopped trying to muffle the sound and he burst out laughing.

‘Check out some stuff on my computer’ he laughed.

‘Shut up’ Gabriel grumbled.

‘You’re usually a much better liar than that’ Cas said, he still couldn’t stop laughing.

‘I panicked!’

‘I noticed’ Castiel finally calmed down, he wiped some tears out from his eyes and he took a few large breaths. ‘My computer is faster’ he mumbled again and chuckled some more. Gabriel liked it way too much to watch his usually serious brother laugh to be really angry that he was the butt of the joke. He leaned back in the chair.

‘Cas… come here’ he said, their Mom was probably out of the house in the next few minutes or so. Castiel walked closer and the second he was within reach Gabriel grabbed him and pulled him into his lap, making Cas straddle him, he didn’t put up much resistance, as in none at all. He kept his hands on his hip and kept looking at his face without a word.

‘What?’ Castiel asked after a moment, there was a hint of a smile still present on his face and his eyes still held some laughter in them.

‘Throwing innuendo at me, while Mom’s in the room?’ he asked with a raised eyebrow. ‘Kinky, would’ve never pegged you for the type.’

‘I am not’ Castiel argued. Gabriel slid his hands on his ass then and rolled up his hips, while he pushed Castiel down onto his lap.

‘Are you sure… little brother?’ at that Cas took a sharp breath and his fingers tightened on Gabriel’s shoulder. ‘That’s what I thought’ Gabriel chuckled, but Castiel didn’t let him speak any further as he attacked his mouth with his lips, shutting him up very effectively.


Gabriel’s cell phone started playing ‘Highway to Hell’ from the desk and that was rather unusual, considering whose ringtone that was. He flipped it open.

‘Hey Nick’ he greeted. ‘What’s up?’

‘Depends’ came his cousins calm voice, he actually never seen the guy getting angry and his constant gentle behavior was sort of creepy if someone knew him well.

‘Go on’ Gabriel prompted because Nick just didn’t give him enough info to know what he was talking about.

‘So I have this friend at work’ Nick continued. ‘Salina.’ And that was the moment Gabriel froze on the spot. It’s been weeks since his birthday, he actually forgot whom the girl might tell. ‘I take it from the meaningful silence on your end that you remember her.’

‘Yeah’ he choked out. This was so not good, it could ruin everything. He heard a long sigh from the other end.

‘Gabriel’ Nick’s voice had a slight tone of indignation. ‘Did I ever do anything against you that prompt you to believe that I’m about to torment or blackmail you with this information?’

‘No’ Gabriel said a bit uncertainly, it sounded almost like a question.

‘Then relax already.’ Easier said than done, but Gabriel took a deep breath and tried to calm his nerves.

‘What’s this about then?’ he asked.

‘Just wanted to share how deeply amused I was when I heard her story about some pervert brothers she stumbled upon at the party… well, I was amused after I realized she meant you two’ he actually chuckled at that. ‘I did correct her misassumption though.’

‘Um… thanks, I guess.’

‘Now she was anything but regretful after that’ his cousin chuckled again. ‘And she wanted some phone numbers, which I’ll give her if you want me to even if I’m highly against it.’

‘No’ Gabriel replied quickly. ‘No phone numbers, we’re not interested.’

‘I figured, but it seemed right to ask you first.’ There was a pause after that and Gabriel just knew that that he most likely won’t like what will come next. ‘So… are you banging him?’

‘What?’ he actually looked around in his empty bedroom like someone might hear Nick over the phone. ‘The hell, Nick?’

‘Not judging, he’s a hot little thing’ and that managed to get him angry in a heartbeat.

‘Dude, he’s my--’

‘If you’re about to say “brother”, I’ll have to inform you that your definition of it is not actually correct.’ Gabriel took a few calming breaths. ‘But like I said, not judging, I’m just curious, because trust me you want someone on your side if this ever comes to light.’

‘We’re…’ and he was actually not sure what to say, how to define it. ‘Something’ he finished lamely.

‘Cute’ Nick chuckled. And Gabriel wanted to strangle him through the phone.

‘Does anyone else know?’ he asked instead.

‘Anna’ Nick answered easily. ‘And Meg, I tell Meg everything because she tends to turn into a hell spawn if I don’t.’ And that was just perfect. ‘Look at it this way; you have three people on ground zero who can smother it up if Salina decides to gossip too much about her night with the Vinge brothers.’ And yeah, if he put it that way.

‘Thanks Nick’ he said.

‘Not a problem’ his cousin answered. ‘I’m rather glad that it seems like Anna and I are not the only insane ones in this family.’ And Gabriel actually laughed at that.


Gabriel thought that things were fine, that they actually had something good that made them both happy, that until he found Cas’ college applications accidentally. When Castiel got home Gabriel was sitting on his bed.

‘Lock the door’ Gabriel told him, it sounded like an order if anything and Castiel looked puzzled immediately.

‘What is it Gabriel?’ he asked.

‘This’ Gabriel said as he picked up the small stack of forms from the bed and showed it up for Castiel to see. ‘Care to explain why you suddenly decided to apply to a college on the other side of the country?’

Castiel’s eyed widened a bit at the question, then he looked away, he walked to his desk and put down his backpack to the chair.

‘They have a program I’m interested in’ Castiel answered calmly his back turned on Gabriel

‘That’s all good Cas, but I recall you telling me that you will attend college here at the Columbia and correct me if I’m wrong but I see UCLA written on this form here and that’s in fucking California!’ he threw the papers down at the desk angrily. It wasn’t just that it hurt that Cas would up and go literally to the other side of the country, but that he kept it a secret. They never had secrets, and it hurt, especially when he thought about why Castiel would keep this a secret from him.

‘I didn’t think I needed you permission to choose a university outside of the state.’ Castiel said and the anger just slipped away from Gabriel, leaving just a bitter feeling behind.

‘You know what, you’re right, you don’t. I’m the idiot here obviously, but you don’t have to run that far away just to end what we have, you could’ve easily just told it to my face and that would’ve been it.’

He didn’t wait for an answer because he was too angry to think clearly and he didn’t want to say or do something he would regret later. Because God knows he was angry and he never hit his brother before, but he was tempted right now, so instead he walked out and slammed the door.


Part Five>>>

fanfiction, au, pairing: castiel/gabriel, supernatural

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