Primeval: New World -- Ep. 8

Apr 01, 2016 15:13

As you are all no doubt aware, here be spoilers. Try not to click if you don't want to be spoiled by my picspam.

Before we begin, I must warn you all that I can't be as funny as normal because Evan went completely insane in this episode, and it was all very disturbing and . . . yeah.

This is a pachycephalosaurus. They are cute and headbutty. We all want one for a pet because they are cute and headbutty.

Except this jogger, who is so oblivious to his surroundings that he does not notice he is being followed by a curious pachycephalosaurus. I expect at some point it will turn out that I am misspelling pachycephalosaurus, but I don't really care, because I am enjoying the cute and headbutty nature of the critter. I am also fixating on it, because everything else in the episode is completely fucked up, so I'm sticking with the adorableness as long as possible.

On the one side are the people, who clearly do not recognise that the animal following the guy is a pachycephalosaurus, and therefore cute and headbutty try to warn him. He remains oblivious, possibly because he is listening to an iPod. I consider this the best public service warning against going jogging with loud music in your ears, ever. If you cannot hear people warning you, you may find yourself chased by an angry dinosaur. Or get run over by a car. Whichever.

He does not notice the headbutty cuteness behind him, is my point.

Then we get the inevitable creature cam, which is amazingly the last we see of it this episode. Yes, I know (and so will you shortly) that there would have been no way to justify it, but sometimes I think they will not care.

After the jogger flees the pachycephalosaurus, it follows him, adorably, because it is adorable, and smashes the glass storefront in with its head. Adorably so.

Then we have a commercial break.

Then we have a palate cleanser.

Then I make the solemn vow to never bring this up again. Unlike the Space Network, which does not seem likely to stop showing me Eleven and commercials for the upcoming Christmas special. Snowmen. I get it. Please stop.

At the home front, for the first time ever, we see this shot not done with time lapse photography, and my heart nearly stops from the shock. We also see Ange punching and kneeing the crap out of this punching bag, which she can freely do now that we know that she's not the girly-girl we thought she was.

Then Evan is tender and sweet as he kisses her, helps her unwrap her hands, offers to take her out to dinner, and Ange pretty much shuts him down because they're at work. And not in a coy, "I'll make it up to you," way, but in a, "I don't really want to do this, and I'm happy I have a valid excuse to say no," way.

Go teams Evac and Kenge? Mevan and Annen? Is there a good 'shipping name smoosh for these?

Do we have to watch people run away from a pachycephalosaurus in time lapse?

Evan and Dylan head out to the anomaly shout, arguing about whether or not people are animals. Evan takes the stance that we are distinguished from animals because of opposable thumbs --


Higher reasoning --


Language --

"Whales, parrots, dolphins again. Face it, you're not going to win this argument."

"No, but I could win against a parrot," he counters.

Somehow, I get the feeling he might not win against a parrot either.

Then they are approached by the pachycephalosaurus, which Dylan says she studied, and I say any dino-obsessed kid worth their salt knows the bastion of headbutty cuteness known as a pachycephalosaurus on sight, and she shouldn't sound so impressed with herself. She also says that it's a herbivore, and assumes it's not getting violent.

Then it backs up, bobs a little, and to quote Bart Simpson, "Smashy, smashy." It's so cute!

Mac catches up to them, and when Evan tells him to go find the anomaly while Evan and Dylan hunt the pachycephalosaurus, Mac suggests that Evan go looking for the anomaly while Dylan and Mac hunt for headbutty cuteness.

Mac looks at Evan, Evan looks at Mac, there is a pause, and some of us might feel like we're intruding on something. Like smoldering lusty looks, or deep concerned looks, or . . . y'know, you guys can all pick your preferences.

While Dylan and Mac chase after the still-adorable pachycephalosaurus, Evan finds the anomaly, sort of, and is held up by the police.

Then he tries to tell the cops that tranq guns are not covered by the Firearms Act, or the Criminal Code. Which they technically are not, assuming the person carrying them is using them for their intended purpose of tranquilising animals. Which you must admit seems most unlikely in downtown Vancouver. Not to mention that their tranq rifles bear a strong resemblance to regular rifles, and . . . well . . . yeah, Evan's not going to talk his way out of this one fast.

He does not need to, however. Because, drumroll please, who should show up but . . .

Ken Leeds! Yay! And he brought Canadian soldiers for backup! Yay! And he's sent the police packing and also offered exclusive rights to the Enquirer to cover this, which means no one will take it seriously! Yay! And he found out about this by monitoring the police and daytime radio talkshows! Yay!

And Evan doesn't trust him as far as he could throw him, which you can't really blame him. Do you know what the Canadian government did to our own soldiers in previous decades? Gas chambers and experimentation does not even begin to cover it, and I'm not even joking, it's actually true and all kinds of horrible. Yes, Canada. And you all thought we were the nice ones.

They've knocked out the pachycephalosaurus while Evan and Ken were arguing, and then it does something that might be sneezing and might be barfing, it's hard to tell, but it's at Evan, and gets us this look.

Ken is, perhaps, suddenly faced with the slightly less glamourous side of dinosaur hunting. Mac suggests Evan should go and have a shower. Possibly he's hoping to rapidly deal with Ken, and then join Evan for slippery wet goodness. We can only hope.

So, Evan has a shower, and when he steps out, he is chase down the halls by an albertasaurus. Which is significantly less cute than the headbutty cuteness of the pachycephalosaurus, and I want more headbutty cuteness and less of this. Which had me begging the tv that it not be a hallucination brought on by dino sneeze.

Evan triggers the evacuation alarms, getting everyone out. Well, everyone but Dylan, Ange and Toby. Not that they are aware of this, they think it's an alarm for real. Well, sort of. Toby's trying to figure out why an alarm went off when there's no indication anything's wrong and Dylan's trying to get her to leave, because a gas leak is serious, and Ange is wondering where Evan is. Evan, it turns out, is on his way over to them, insisting that there's an albertasaur, not just any albertasaur, but The One. The one that killed his wife, Brooke.

So, Toby and Ange are left in the Secret Anomaly Research Hideout, Toby under orders to figure out what's cancelling out her readings of an anomaly that must be there, because there's an albertasaur (please, let it be a real albertasaur, I hate hallucination episodes) running around the plant. Dylan and Evan go off hunting it. Evan tells Dylan all about his wife's death.

They were driving along, and his cell phone went wonky with a super-magnetic field. He just had to investigate, in spite of the fact that Brooke was less than enthused about breaking and entering and vaulting fences in that super-long skirt of hers, and Evan was totally headstrong and totally ignored her.

So, they wandered into the abandoned factory up on a lease, and found the anomaly. Not knowing what it was, Evan told his wife to stay back while he got a closer look.

We will now all be reminded that the room where he found his first anomaly is the one he's put a big fake "Warning Asbestos" sign on the door. The secret room no one else goes in.

Then this happens.                                                                  Then this.

Then this.                                                                    Then that.

Evan isn't fast enough to stop it, although this time we don't see the snarfling we saw in the first episode (which I had no caps of, because you'll recall they were terrible quality).

Evan cracks open his secret room and sees no new damage and no indication anything as big as an albertasaur came through. Then there is fuzzy logic from both of them, because I don't see why they'd think the albertasaur was running around the factory from an anomaly in an enclosed space if there's no indication of how it could have gotten out of that space. But whatever. It's a little like the no-closing-the-fridge-door logic from back in S1 on Primeval: Our Gun-Toting Guys Are Cuter Than Yours, in the dodo episode.

Anyhow, then Evan sees the albertasaur.

Dylan sees . . . well . . . empty hallway.

Evan goes crazy, running around and up some stairs to get a good shooting vantage point. Unfortunately, what he sees, on the left, is not what's going on. On the right. He's sort of seeing an albertasaur wherever Dylan is currently standing, and tries to shoot her. A lot.

"Oh, shit."

While Dylan, Ange and Toby figure out where Evan is and come to the agreement that they need to tranq him and get him to a doctor before the hallucinogens in pachycephalosaurus snot make his heart possibly stop, Evan sees his younger self and his wife and tries to stop them. The hallucinations are getting more intense. They walk right through him, though, walking to their inevitable dinosaurian doom.

Evan shows up, freaking the hell out of Toby. Toby tries to talk him down, does it badly, and Evan decides to be all suspicious of her. He goes and gets a real gun, one that shoots bullets, and I bet he never registered it with the now-defunct national gun registry either. He then shoots up Toby's servers and locks her in.

It's kind of getting really bad in there.

Don't worry folks, we're just getting started. You Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet, baby.

I have to admit, I do prefer Takin' Care of Business if we're talking Bachman Turner Overdrive.

Oh yes, and he steals Toby's phone, too.

Mac shows up, dismayed to find out that, while he was making sure that Ken Leeds isn't an evil agent of the bad parts of the government, Evan had gone crazy. When they try to call Toby, checking on her, they find out that Evan's got her phone. Evan is getting paranoid and tells Mac that he can't trust Dylan. Mac reassures him that he totally believes him and heads out to try stabbing Evan with a tranquiliser himself.

Dylan and Ange head off to find out if Evan's murdered poor Toby under the misapprehension that she was something horrible.

Evan has booby-trapped the door of the room he's hiding in, and Mac makes his way in only to be greeted by an Evan carrying a loaded automatic weapon or rifle or something really fucking scary. Then Evan starts talking crazy, like crazier than before, and I think the dialogue must speak for itself.

"It's here, the thing you were chasing."

"You mean the one that vomited on you? That's been sent home."

"No, the albertasaur."

"Mac? Brooke's dead."

"Yeah. I know."

"You saved my life, Mac. You were here and you were dying."

"What are you talking about? That never happened."

"It happened so fast, and then I had to hide your body."

"Evan . . . what the hell is that. Evan, there's a body in there. Why the hell is there a body in here!?"

I don't think there are really words right then.

So, there is losing it and fighting and it's very freaky, and we cut to a flashback, which Evan is apparently reexperiencing through his hallucinations, of a Mac that came through an anomaly, wearing an ARC jacket, tackling Evan out of the way of the albertasaur.

There's a joke in here about looking into each other's eyes and recognising their soulmates, but I'm sure you can all think of something way funnier, because right now we're seeing Mac dying in front of Evan, begging him to put everything back. "You have to put everything back. I just want to go home."

And Evan tried, he tried to get the dying man to the anomaly, but it closed before he could.

And in the present, he's dragging Mac across the floor, to the anomaly only he can see, Mac struggling and freaking out as Evan insists that he has to get Mac to the anomaly. He has to.

Back in the past, he's failed to get Mac there, and Mac whispers something in his ear, we don't know what. I . . . I'm trying to find the joke about sweet nothings and I can't, dammit.

Evan flees the scene of what he sees as his greatest failure, leaving Mac alone in a giant refrigerated room with his dead double in the cryostasis chamber.

Toby manages to get herself out of the lockdown Evan put her in through sheer genius, and tells Dylan and Ange that there is now a real gas leak in the building. Dylan and Ange go to find out what the hell Evan is doing to his own factory, Toby hurries off to get Mac before he freezes to death.

While Evan has horrible flashbacks of the death of his wife, and you are all now totally caught up on the images of wife-snarfling I couldn't get into the first summary, Toby manages to crack open the doors of the room Mac is locked into.

I have the point where they're doing a fade transition between Toby and Mac, and Dead Mac in the Pod. Because Toby staring in horror at the second Mac, Mac's despair and awareness that the man in the pod is who he should have been and never was because of Evan's intervention and the superimposed dead Mac kind of sum up the moment.

Mac doesn't even feel real anymore, because he knows that he is where he is thanks to Evan showing up at his door and offering him a job.

Dylan and Ange find out that Evan has clearly deliberately started the gas leak, and furthermore intends to try using his technical genius to blow up the whole building to make sure the albertasaurus dies. Dylan hurries off to undo Evan's handiwork and barely makes it to the air scrubber and an oxygen tank before she dies from inhaling whatever the fumes are.

Ange finds Evan in the process of setting things up for detonation. He thinks she's Brooke, and she realises that he's not over his wife and isn't ready to move on. But she pretends to be Brooke to talk Evan down, letting him eventually cling to her sobbing out his guilt, because he still feels he should have been able to do something.

Then she gets him with the tranquiliser, sending him staggering, falling, clinging to a dangling wire, and sounding confused as he gasps, "Ange?"

Ange tells Dylan that it's good Evan got to finally say goodbye to Brooke, and then explains that Dylan needs to tell Evan that Ange isn't angry, and she also isn't staying.

We end the episode with Evan explaining about Mac. About how he'd gone to England to find the family of the man who'd died saving his life, and when the door opened, there was a nineteen-year-old delinquent. That the smallest things can change history, that his knowlege of this is from having changed Mac's life so utterly in his wish to save the man he owed his life to.

And then Dylan tells him that, yes, she'd wanted to go back to her life before dinosaurs, but that she's made her decision and she's staying with Evan.

Oh, look. the HM'S Evan/Dylan's back in the water, and I guess it's totally canon that Mac was part of the ARC. Do you know what this means? Stephen/Mac, Ryan/Mac, Connor/Mac, Becker/Mac, you name it, it's a go and totally fits into canon.

A last thought from me. Why'd we have to go from headbutty cuteness to this? Why!?

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humour, primeval: new world, primeval

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