Primeval fic: One Man's Suit is Another Man's . . . Something

Jun 25, 2012 12:53

Title: One Man's Suit is Another Man's . . . Something
Author: SCWLC
Disclaimer: All things here are not owned by me, and I'm not making money off them.
Rating: G
Summary: Connor has a new, very Canadian, hobby.
Notes: This is multimedia. That is, if you don't follow the links it'll make not much sense. Well, maybe it will, someone can let me know, I suppose. Anyhow, with the football thing I did, I have now decided to be very Canadian with one of the all-time greatest things associated with Hockey Night in Canada.


Connor came back from the Vancouver ARC with a new obsession. Soon enough it was driving Abby utterly mad. He spent spare moments on Google, collecting images, posted pictures on his locker at the ARC, and Abby rather thought it was telling that Rex wouldn't even go near the images.

She started to get truly exasperated, however, when he started spreading his new obsession around at the ARC. Emily was the first lost, coming to stand and stare at the pictures. She pointed at one. "This is gauche," she said. "Why is  . . . it's brown and . . . floral."

"As I understand it," Connor told her. "It's a Canadian institution, and people watch the show just for . . . well . . . that." He tilted his head. "But as you can see, there's a lot of floral . . . stuff. Makes me think of Mum's favourite couch back home."

"I see," she said. And with that, she too began to post photos.

Becker fell next. He was staring at the latest edition. "It's very pink," he said.

Connor was there. "It is," he said. "But there's a sort of confidence there, don't you think?"

"You have to be to with that," Becker admitted. "Or that powder blue one."

Jess thought them fetching in a mad sort of way. "I think it's the nonchalance," she said. "I mean, the plaids are very . . . different."

Nodding thoughtfully, Connor admitted, "There's a lot of plaid."

Even Lester got in on the act, declaring, "If I see even one of those . . . things . . . around your neck, Connor, I will send you home like a recalcitract schoolchild to change."

"Not even the one with the lights in it?" Connor asked with a grin.


Matt was the last to go, but he was eventually found, staring blankly at the pictures too. "Why?" he asked. "It's . . ." he gestured. "Black and white and . . . patterned."

"I think it's rather fetching," Connor said.

The last straw was when he tried to put a poster of the one with the easter egg patterning up in the bedroom that she had enough. "Connor, get that man out of our bedroom this minute, unless you plan to leave me for him. Are we clear?" she demanded.

Connor sulked all the way to the computer. "Look! The techs CGI'd this one it's so green!"

Abby screamed.


All pictures taken from the excellent website, Don We Now Our Gay Apparel, the Don Cherry Jacket Watch. The man really is an institution.

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