Stainless and Honorable Lives 2/4

Oct 08, 2013 08:57

SUMMARY: Murders in two separate cities draw the brothers into a case that has Sam teaming with someone he never thought he’d meet, and Dean fighting for his life in a way he never imagined. Casefic. Chapter 2 of 4.
SPOILERS: Technically, the story is set within Season 9, post trial-related fallout, but is a standalone case-fic-no spoilers- ( Read more... )

sam-dean, hurt-sam, hurt-comfort, case-fic, genre-gen

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Comments 10

trishabooms October 8 2013, 18:42:23 UTC
Ooh I do like this, just my cup of tea. I'm looking forward to the next post.


scullspeare October 9 2013, 02:43:23 UTC
Two more cups of tea in this pot. One lump or two? :-)

Thanks so much!!!


kinkthatwinked October 8 2013, 19:08:44 UTC
You write fast, I like that. :)

Thank you for making Dean smart enough to be familiar with Arthurian lore, while still cracking his standard pop culture jokes. I know this story takes place in the ninth season, but this is more like the first season Dean, in terms of how knowledgeable he is. I know the show has to do exposition for the fans, but I wish they would stop making it look like Dean, a seasoned, lifelong hunter, needs lore explained to him. THIS is how it should be done.

In fact, there's lots of little hints of Dean's intelligence throughout this story: the first aid trick with the sugar, doing math in his head, the familiarity with bow and arrow use, how quickly he comes up with a plan of action. And through it all, he still comes off as an Everyman, and he still has his moments of humor. Now this is my Dean Winchester! :)


scullspeare October 9 2013, 02:55:24 UTC
I think you and I like the very same kind of Dean! He's a smart guy - no question. Sam may be the Stanford-educated one, but I've always thought of Dean as M.I.T. kind of smart - I mean, anyone who can make EMF monitor out of a walkman has to have more than a few brain cells sparking, right? I try to write him as two-thirds smarts, one-third smart-mouth. :-)

Thank you so much for that wonderful feedback. It's very much appreciated.

And psst: I'm not a fast writer - anything but. I just don't post until the story is done. *g*



mdlaw October 9 2013, 02:56:25 UTC
So, when is the next part? m :)


scullspeare October 9 2013, 03:04:19 UTC
Thursday a.m. :-)


ferrous_wheeler October 9 2013, 12:08:48 UTC
I am very much enjoying this! Love how Dean can still be a smartass even when he has a sword at his throat, and how he's so capable that he can do emergency med. treatment on Sam and come up with a plan to get the grail. (I have an aunt, retired nurse, who swears by honey to help wounds heal.)
Great update!


scullspeare October 10 2013, 03:56:18 UTC
I love smartass Dean, I love smart, competent caretaker Dean... Heck, I love all flavours of Dean Winchester - and they're all fun to play with! And considering the Winchester boys have often had to MASH injuries, I figured Dean would have a few first-aid tricks up his sleeve.

Thanks so much!!!


madebyme_x October 9 2013, 12:22:32 UTC
There was so much to adore in this chapter! I'm such a geek for plotty chapters and this was made of awesome.

Plus, I had no idea that sugar can draw out infections - I love Dean's casual intelligence!

This is addictive reading! Take care, :)


scullspeare October 10 2013, 04:01:36 UTC
One of the things I love about research is that when you're hunting for information on one thing, you often trip across something else - the sugar first aid trick was one of those lucky finds.

As one geek to another - thank you!


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