You make me _Happy______. You should __Dance like a ballerina_____. Someday I will _be in an eating contest and win_____. You = __beautiful______. If I saw you now I'd _hug you_________. I would build a _river damm______ just for you. I would get your name tattooed on my __liver________. If I could sing you any song it would be _hit me baby one more time________. We could drink ___pulp free orange juice_______ under the stars. My love for you is like that of _spagetti and meat balls___________.
Love,___sydney jane____________
(P.S. _i bet you laughed at least once while reading this..._____________.)
Comments 3
You make me _Happy______. You should __Dance like a ballerina_____. Someday I will _be in an eating contest and win_____. You = __beautiful______. If I saw you now I'd _hug you_________. I would build a _river damm______ just for you. I would get your name tattooed on my __liver________. If I could sing you any song it would be _hit me baby one more time________. We could drink ___pulp free orange juice_______ under the stars. My love for you is like that of _spagetti and meat balls___________.
Love,___sydney jane____________
(P.S. _i bet you laughed at least once while reading this..._____________.)
I love you.
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