100 things meme

Nov 24, 2008 14:18

Ganked from capricious_k. Because one meme isn't enough!

Bold the things you've done. (Parenthetical comments are mine.)

Oops! Sorry, cut-tagged now. )

europe, meme

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Comments 13

masqthephlsphr November 24 2008, 19:24:00 UTC
I about killed myself walking up to the second level of the Eiffel Tower. I can't imagine walking to the *TOP*. That's high. I skipped the elevator ride to the top because the lines were long and it was more expensive.


scrollgirl November 24 2008, 19:33:56 UTC
True! And that's why Kait and I didn't bother walking up the Statue of Liberty. But I kinda regret not shelling out the Euros to take the elevator part way up the Eiffel and climbing the rest. I just stayed on the ground, which was awesome too, because they lit it up with gorgeous lights, blue and *sparkly* (like a vampire) during the night.


masqthephlsphr November 24 2008, 19:37:53 UTC
I donno. The second level had a great view of the city, and I felt like I'd been to the top in spirit, given the number of times good ol' Duncan&co were up there.

I am counting the *days* until "Twilight" is a forgotten memory. And it will be days.


scrollgirl November 24 2008, 19:43:42 UTC
Hee! Excellent point. Well, I definitely want to see Paris again some day, so I'll still have a chance to climb the Eiffel Tower.

I know what you mean. On one hand, the whole thing is kind of hilarious. And I've read a couple of reviews that said the director did a hell of a job considering the material she was given to workt with. OTOH, it's painful that crap like this gets made and kids will eat it up, while far worthier stories get overlooked.


fantasyenabler November 24 2008, 19:52:49 UTC
Oh, my. That's a large list. I want to do it, but I think I'll have to do it in pieces, just so I can adequately consider and process it all.

I think The Husband and did a combo elevator/walking deal to get to the top of the Eiffel Tower, if I remember correctly. We did ulimately make it though, and the view was fantastic, if a little scary.


scrollgirl November 24 2008, 20:44:53 UTC
I definitely want to see David one day, and maybe the Grand Canyon. That would be cool.

Ooh, it was scary that high up? I'm not fond of heights, but I would brave it for the view I think.


masqthephlsphr November 24 2008, 21:48:45 UTC
I'm telling you, ATPo Gathering at the Grand Canyon. Easy for me, cactuswatcher, and superplin, awesome for everyone else.


cactuswatcher November 24 2008, 22:25:29 UTC
Unfortunately finding an affordable place to stay near the canyon is not easy. Flagstaff is insanely expensive and a good long drive. As in Phoenix, winter is actually the better season to visit despite the cold. We could stay in Williams and take the train as a group to the park. But people don't get to spend long at the rim that way. On the bright side if we did have a place to stay there are plenty of other things to see in the area, Sunset Crater (volcano), Indian ruins, Meteor Crater. We'd certainly need plenty of cars for transportation. And we'd have to hone our cat-herding skills. ;o)


lasultrix November 24 2008, 22:08:21 UTC
I have done nothing in life. Except sleep on an overnight train *in* Russia.

Gondolas in Venice aren't worth it. I really wanted to, but €80?!???!!! And that's the cheapest possible rate, mind you!

I do want to hear about how you bought a stranger in a train, though. Tell us?


scrollgirl November 24 2008, 22:10:25 UTC
I do want to hear about how you bought a stranger in a train, though. Tell us?

Hee! You're reading that line wrong, I think. I bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant (couple of times, with homeless people) but I've never bought a stranger on a train. Now *that* would be interesting!

Thanks for the tip re Venice. I will probably skip it, though I do love rivers. But I hear the canals are smelly!


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