Smallville Nostalgia Challenge!

Apr 16, 2011 23:55

This evening I met up with some fangirls, and we were discussing how we've felt very nostalgic about Smallville lately, and we're planning a big finale event and whatnot. And then we decided: we should write fic! Like we did back in the good old days! So...

The Smallville Nostalgia Challenge

What: A fic/art/vidding challenge to recapture those great old days of SV fandom. Remember when Clark was all wide-eyed and "gee, Lex makes me feel funny in my tummy"? Remember the AUs? The future fic? The crossovers? The great manips and vids? Let's make more of that!

When: Sign ups start now. Stories/art/vids due on May 12, the day before the Smallville finale. So we have a fest of nostalgia to enjoy on the big day.

How: Post your story/art/vid on May 12 wherever you like and link it in the challenge post I'll make here on my LJ.

Why: Because those were the good old days! Because early SV will always be the gayest TV ever! Because 10 years is a long time! Because you know you want to!

To sign up, comment with your user name, and please help spread the word. Yay nostalgia!


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