Not a plea for reassurances but...

Jul 03, 2007 18:36

... (cookies are always welcome)... I've entered another "my fic sucks"-phase and the words just don't want to come together in the right way.

It's not writer's block, but more a type of burn-out, I think. *shrug* It'll pass. It always does. In the meantime, it's probably best that I'm going away on holiday for a bit so I'm forced to leave the story alone.

I am taking the betaed draft of "The Day The World Went Away" with me, though...

And I'm wondering if perhaps this current funk isn't partly due to the fact that all of a sudden all my stories grow into +10,000 word monsters *...waits for juno_magic to stop laughing...* whereas I used to write shorter things. So, as a little experiment, I'm asking you to give me prompts for teeny!fic*. I make NO promises whatsoever that they'll ever get written but would sure like to see what the muses can do with prompts. All fandoms I've ever written for can be found here, but I suspect your best chances are in the LotR, Supernatural and possibly Dark Angel fandoms.

*Most definitely NOTtelperion1's kind of teeny!fic...

writing, plot bunnies, fanfic

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