Title: Take Me Faraway
Pairing: Ohno Satoshi x Ninomiya Kazunari
Notes: Since I love my ojii-san who doesn't look a day older than seventeen, my little way of saying thanks for being an inspiration to a lot of people. Picture prompts of Ninomiya for 30 days until his 30th birthday! This fic inspired from
this picture.
Summary: I want to send it to
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Comments 16
Oh no, you don't make me cry, Ingrid.
But you just did.
/huuuugs you still <33333
But thanks for reading and commenting!!! :)
//hugs baaaaaaaaack
When I saw the picture that inspired you I expected a happy fluffy Ohmiya trip, but then... then... all the tragic and the feels and the song! I guess I won't be able to listen to that song without thinking of this fic anymore...
Btw, I love sad fics! I enjoyed the read! ^^
It started out as fluff but I guess the song kind of took me in a different direction ;u;
Thanks for reading and commenting~ <3
thank you for sharing!
I can't handle the idea of losing Kazu forever!
He is so... so Kazu!
Lovely, though...
Thank you for reading and commenting! ^^;;;
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