Rare Pair Fest 2017 Letter

Jun 20, 2017 13:52

Dear Author,

First off, thank you! Second off, don't mind the wall of text. Use what's helpful, ignore what isn't, please just keep in mind the DNWs.

General squicks, triggers, and loves by category.


I like deep characterization and backstory, family, deep platonic bonds, worldbuilding, chosen family, digging into a character's mental/emotional space, asexual romance, romance, established relationships, developing trust, character studies, identity exploration, character competence, fluff, angst, and situational humor.

Please don't write embarrassment, graphic violence or gore, body-related humor, betrayal/infidelity, tragedy/deathfic, horror, character or ideology bashing, PWP (with plot, more than fine), first person fic, on-screen uncensored profanity. I also have no problem with assassination but do have a problem with murder. I know. Fine line.


I like soulmates, soulmarks (not names), soulbonds, secret relationship, sharing a bed, domestic fic, holiday fic, arranged marriage, fake marriage, friends to lovers, rivals to lovers, AIs, accidental relationships, time travel with consequences, animal transformations/shapeshifter, brainwashing, amnesia. I like well thought out crossovers and the occasional fusion, canon-divergent AUs more than total AUs.

I don't mind coffee shop AU, school AU, reincarnation, historical AU.

Please don't write alternate gender norms, mind control, zombie, supernatural, daemons, post-apocalyptic, instalove.


I like bondage, breathplay, sensory deprivation, bloodplay, weapons play, delayed orgasm, some D/s, situational power dynamics type dub-con.

I'll read but am not a fan of pain play, dirty talk, oral, and cock rings/cages.

Please don't write scat, water sports, bodily fluids other than blood, lifestyle D/s, ageplay, mpreg, consent play, incest, underage, a/b/o, straight up dub-con.



OMG, I like the main characters in this story, but it was Mikoto and Sakuya that had me crying and railing at the screen. The reason he promised not to love her, the tense scene he had to apologize for when he lashed out at her, and then someone else saved her. I get it that the show has her pretty much paired off with the other guy at the end, and I even understand it, but it makes me so angry to see Sakuya pushed out completely, they didn't even seem like the closest friends anymore and they always had been.

I'd love to see reconciliation or togetherness or fix-it or anything that lets them be together post-canon, even if it's not all out shippy. They have issues to work through. But I want hope for that and just them. I walked out of this anime shipping them so hard and couldn't believe there was no fic.

Dance Academy

I never thought I'd fall so hard for Abigail, and Wes won me over in one episode and I love the two of them so much. He knew her well enough to send her bubble wrap, and they were just so sweet together.

I'd really love to see more Wes/Abigail whether that's post-canon or in between seasons when she was out in Barcelona and they fell for each other initially, especially considering Ethan won't talk about it either. I'd love to see them happy. Abigail deserves all the happiness. I love that they get to work together too.

If you've seen the movie, just don't break them up please!

Legend of Korra
Bataar Jr./Kuvira

What can I say? I love strong women with strong convictions, even when they screw up royally. (See Rogue, Natasha, Abigail, Bobbi, and almost all of my real faves...) The first few episodes of season 4 LOK, I was backing Kuvira because yeah, she wasn't perfect but she was the only one in-universe who did step up and everyone agreed she was actually better suited to rule than Wu. But she took authoritarian to an extreme and invaded Republic City and there you go, villain.

That said, I'd love a take where she's more complex than just villainous, even if she did get her value system turned around and put the Earth Kingdom above even Bataar Jr. when not everything she had in mind actually was best for the Earth Kingdom.

I'd love to see precanon with her relationship with Bataar before their campaign or kid them and a crush or postcanon with actual reconciliation or even on-the-road fic of the two of them. Okay, I'll take just about anything. I love these two together, and I love how Beifong they really are, arrogance and competence and all, and they were both competent or they'd never have gotten so much done.

exchanges, letter, rarepairfest 2017, fiction prompts

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