This entry is part 52 of 52 in the series
365 ChallengeSo characters have habits, ways they interact with certain people and situations, things they do and like to do, stories and histories together. I've known a lot of my characters' for a long time but getting them all into fic is interesting, particularly for the ones I don't know that for.
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“Do you want to remember ( ... )
Sting was a rather nice way of putting it. Wolf gritted his teeth as he felt the energy transfer of what she was doing and wondered if she had a clue how much it messed with his own sense of the energy streams underlying the use of most special abilities. He doubted he could knot up or suppress this one. Her ability seemed to work by tying it down herself, bringing his mental energy flow and hers into such tight proximity that she could read what she needed ( ... )
I like the glimpse into what Wolf can do, how he does it, and his reaction to what she does and what he feels as she does it.
And the last bit...
I love it.
She's where he keeps his memories, but that's not something she'd admit.
When possible, I do like to step into how their abilities feel to them. It's a lot different than just, well, normal.
It's a good way of knowing who they are and how it is for them.
With Recall, that first scene where she likens it to lots of knives stabbing her, it was easier to understand how she felt when she used her ability, but Fracture was harder to get because he is different, because he has varying reactions to what he's doing and how much of it he understands, but there's pain involved in what he does, too, and so... yeah, I do my usual shying away from it. :/
He could have stopped me, Recall thought, still shaken by the meeting she’d had with the man now known as Red Wolf. She could call him by other names-she knew enough of him to know almost all of them, even without the old memories that she’d tempted him into reclaiming ( ... )
I like seeing Whisper's reaction to it, the way she chose to support him and all she already knows, her loyalty to him, all of that.
They are an awesome couple because of these quiet moments where they strengthen each other.
I have another part where he does see Recall again, and it would take a bit of tweaking to fit with this, if that's okay.
A/N: So... Not quite sure about Wolf's dialogue here, and I hope the tweaks make it fit okay even if his comments are a bit... off.
“Have you ever lost the one thing you were ever a part of, the one thing that is so much a part of you that you are... nothing without it?” Recall didn’t look up from her hands. She should know the answer to that question, but she didn’t want to hunt it down in his memories. “I don’t expect forgiveness. I shouldn’t have asked. I just... needed a purpose again, and I thought I’d found it. I thought only of myself, not what it would mean for anyone else.”
“Your offer wasn’t a crime.”
“Doesn’t make the disappointment any less devastating. Haven’t you suffered enough already? Why should I torment you with a promise I can’t fulfill?”
“You didn’t promise anything more than pain, remember?”
“You can stop me. I’d like it if you did, though I don’t deserve favors.”
“No one said it worked that way.”
“Idizo. It should.” She closed her eyes, wrapping her arms around her body. “I am supposed to be ( ... )
Recall tried to sit up but that drew immediate discomfort and Wolf's instant attention.
"You all right?" he asked evenly. He studied her with an almost expressionless gaze.
He hadn't meant to hurt her, even though he knew perfectly well she had mentioned it would hurt-and her far more than him.
He saw her walls go up behind her eyes and knew that she had fended off someone else before who had some amount of protective instinct. It made him feel a pang of something... strange. Wolf remembered nothing before the team, but they had always had each other, protected each other, and relied on each other. Interdependence was their greatest strength ( ... )
Though I am a bit sad to admit it and find myself not liking the idea of closing it down, this really does feel like a place where it could end.
Not sure I can let that be it, though, because I have to find something to resolve her part of it because a Recall who thinks Fracture is dead is in a very, very bad place, and I'm not capable of leaving her there.
A side effect of her ability, one she doesn't discuss much but comes clear with Wolf and with Fracture, is that she gets enough of people to know them. She sees them like friends or even family, cares about them and people that they do, and she'd do anything for Wolf or someone he cares about, no matter the cost to her, even though she's a stranger to them. That's the messed up relationship she had with Fracture.
Walking away from her is probably the only way to save her, not that she wants to be saved. She was desperate for someone else, something else to belong to, and she would have taken it too far.
I do have a thought about it, I have a scene or two, and it is a convoluted thought (Recall wouldn't go directly to Wolf, though I considered her calling Whisper to apologize, but there is a point where he could become involved again if he chooses.) It is a bit crazy an idea, so I don't know how you'll like it, but I'll share it once I have it a bit more fleshed out.
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