This entry is part 48 of 51 in the series
365 ChallengeLet's take the third first. Overhauling the story from inferno, aka "Dowse and Bleed," left me feeling drained and exhausted, but it's out to beta and may she not find any more structural issues that need addressing. For that matter, may I not!
On angst: I write a lot of it. I know that. I've
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Wesley looked offended. Lena started protesting. Connor started laughing.
“I,” Connor said, “am going to like you, aren’t I?”
Angelita raised an eyebrow. “You see what I’m seeing?”
“That they’re hopelessly in love and can’t admit it?”
Lena blushed furiously. “That is not fair.”
Wesley looked back and forth between them. “Oh, no. You two do not get to gang up on us ( ... )
Oh, the things Connor and Angelita could do to them...
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