It lives! The Elven Heritage Legacy Generation one chapter 13: Fresh Meat

Aug 13, 2014 15:30

EHL Chapter 13: Fresh Meat from ScribalGoddessSomeday, somehow, I will get the embed right on the first try. Of course, the fact that either Slideshare or Livejournal changes their interface between chapters tells me I need to start producing them faster ( Read more... )

writing, the sims, elven heritage legacy, ehl chapters

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Comments 4

mzyra August 17 2014, 11:13:54 UTC
*Apparently fell asleep in her camp from too many marshmallows* Anyway, here now! And happy probable legaversary!

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scribal_goddess August 17 2014, 13:28:50 UTC
Long comments are long! I'll try to get everything ( ... )


dinuriel October 28 2014, 01:46:25 UTC
Aaaaaah, how did I miss this? Sorry about that. :S

(But ah--the cuteness! Ana and Lydia and the two girls they inadvertently got together, and Rean finally meeting a good guy! And Aranel too, for all she doesn't know it yet. And trust Eluisa to come up with a logical solution that will at least sort of satisfy all of the involved. Once Lydia has the information, hopefully she won't feel the need to hunt down the actual guy.)


scribal_goddess October 28 2014, 23:43:23 UTC
Van lives!

I'm here to stuff people full of marshmallowy goodness to fatten them up for the inevitable drama that will get here some day.

Aranel: poster child for obliviousness since some time in 2010. :D I really am looking forward to writing her and Bastian (she says as she looks guiltily at a monstrous double update with exactly two scenes filmed...) but they take a while to figure things out.

Eluisa is the logical investigator in this story! I can't make any promises as to whether Lydia will do anything even remotely intelligent about it...


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