Title: My Home Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou Rating: PG Disclaimer: I don't own it. Notes: Post season 2. 5th in the Kingdom of Shy series that began one year ago. (Wow, that long?) Previous parts found here. ( My Home )
Wai~! It continues! I think you did a good job on Miko's POV. She's the kind of character that has moments of ditziness but you can't imagine that's all there is to her. And that last line rocks. I don't think I know the Rockapella song that gave this chapter its title...
Thank you. I wanted to portray her like that. And the last line is my favorite too. ^^ You sure as hell DO. It's on Primer right before Carmen Sandiego. Ballad. Sean song.
^____^ I know! I nearly giggled when it came to me as I was writing. At work. Watching a patient sleep. >.> My creativity is a blessing and a curse, I guess. ^^;
Oh Murata. When I have to climb in your head, I'm going to feel as if I've gone to Kyou. I just know it.
I just read all your other parts to this story too, and lemme just say I loooove love love it!
I wish I could say more, but I have the most unbelievable headache right now and I can't think anything except: You've written HaruToki fics too?! Please please PLEASE tell me where I can find them. x_X
I have written HaruToki, yes. 1 and 3, though I've been slacking and haven't posted my TomomasaxAkane fic yet. You can find links to a couple of things here and the rest is all posted on this comm, which was created for myself, thisissong, and _katty_ to post our fic. We've all been dabbling in HaruToki lately, so feel free to friend the comm if that interests you. ^_^
Being fluent in Japanese would rock, but I've learned a lot from playing the games. Plus, my sister has taken 3 years of it, so she's my translation monkey. ^^ But what is it you're looking for, HaruToki-wise? I can try to help.
Comments 31
I don't think I know the Rockapella song that gave this chapter its title...
You sure as hell DO. It's on Primer right before Carmen Sandiego. Ballad. Sean song.
I laugh about the Benkei-ish Murata, it's funny and not necessairly a bad thing. I see how they have commonalities. I can't wait for more.
Oh Murata. When I have to climb in your head, I'm going to feel as if I've gone to Kyou. I just know it.
I wish I could say more, but I have the most unbelievable headache right now and I can't think anything except: You've written HaruToki fics too?! Please please PLEASE tell me where I can find them. x_X
I have written HaruToki, yes. 1 and 3, though I've been slacking and haven't posted my TomomasaxAkane fic yet. You can find links to a couple of things here and the rest is all posted on this comm, which was created for myself, thisissong, and _katty_ to post our fic. We've all been dabbling in HaruToki lately, so feel free to friend the comm if that interests you. ^_^
Now to find out where I can see the rest of HaruToki. -_-;;; Life would be so much easier if I could actually speak/read Japanese. >.>
And lemme just say, WHOA DANG that is an awesome layout. o__o
And thank you! It was fun to make.
it's clever and enchanting
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