Title: I'll Hear Your Voice
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: I lay no claim at all.
Notes: Post-season 2. 7th in the Kingdom of Shy series, previous parts found
here. Same as last chapter, there are SPOILERS here.
Translation of Japanese terms at the end.
I'll Hear Your Voice )
Comments 8
I laughed a lot at this. Murata has such a great way of viewing things, and his sense of humor (or is it self-pity?) amuses me in some of his internal dialogue.
That "pause to make Yuuri squirm" reminded me a little too much of one of Miyata's other characters... *coughBenkeicough*
Kudos for me! *chomps on them* It was an inspired moment that brought that one, and they're few and far between.
He's definitely someone very different from those characters whose heads I've been crawling around in lately. (That sentence seems to be wrong in many, many ways.) And Shinou/Daikenja! It's gotta be partly because he's a Miki chara, but I just can't hate Shinou... I'm sure there are people who do, but.
BENKEI GETS NO LOVE. I've been telling him that for a year, though, and yet lookit...
You deserve kudos for many, many things. Not the least of which is I have root beer~!! ::squishes you::
quite nicely done, with a little nod to conyuu
very nice indeed.
Thank you!
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