Oct 11, 2009 02:28
Nuthin to say...(lies) I like to read and lately too much and living lately vicariously too much in the land of LiveJournal. C'est la vie. I'm enjoying life, but in a rut. Need to get out eventually; but in the mean time it's fun getting to know all of your imaginings. Thanks for keeping me up past my bedtime every night.
angst real boring drabble "stream of ran
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Comments 4
I noticed your name when I revisited one of nike_ravus's fics and I wondered: Are you ScOut4It from ff.net?
Well, either way, cheers to a femslash supporter. Happy reading!
Thanks and cheers to you. I felt no reason to change my avatar as I pretty much consider Livejournal and FF.net my two femslash-fanfiction playgrounds.
Sometimes I think I piss authors off when they ask if I only read "pairings" and I'm like, yeah, why else would I be reading fanfiction? Just like I said on my FF.net wall, "if I want straight shit, I'll go to the library." But seriously, I gotz ta support the girls.
Thanks for saying hi :)
Actually, I personally prefer people don't read things they're not going to enjoy. I figure that's what summaries are for- picking out what you're going to enjoy.
You reviewed one of mine (yep, one of the few where I had a pairing- I'm doing more of that with LJ than I have with ff.net) and I did what I always did. I did the nerdy dance of joy!
Heh, the library's starting to get in a few non-straight titles but they are dreadfully behind the fanficcers for slash.
Once again, cheers and best wishes. :)
Sometimes summaries aren't sufficient in discovering if there's femslash involved, a pairing or not, and never enough info for me to realize if I like the story. The topic usually comes up not because I'm reviewing a straight pairing story (if I was, I wouldn't bring up femslash :), but when I like one femslash story, and am not interested in reading their others that aren't. Personal preference and all that jazz. I do like reading a good story that doesn't have a pairing as the central theme, but if there ends up being one, then with fanfiction, my choice is that it be femslash.
Fanfiction has many amazing writers and epic writers with no doubt various genres and pairings. But being so far behind on just reading a good book, I figure if I'm going to own my name and scout about it, then I best be scouting my dirty little obsession ;D
Thanks for writing and saying hello :-D Keep writing stories and I'll try to keep up reading when I get a relatively school-free moment.
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