Title: Bloody Things
scourgeofeurope Fandom: Supernatural
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Sam, Dean
Genre: Gen, h/c
Word Count: 1,274
Warnings/Spoilers: Meh. Series as a whole.
Timeline: Post-s6
Summary: Sam and Sam's head and Dean.
Bloody Things )
Comments 16
“You talk to me like I’m five.”
Dean’s voice was like one of his smiles."
Aww. He thinks like he's five too- plus about a thousand, (both of them, poor guys, should definitely have a doctor with wizard hands to believe in!)
Sometimes he forgot how big he was even though he’d been this big for an extremely long time. Longer than the lives of a hundred men, but there was a time when he was very small and still the exact same size. A time and place where everything burned, where skin hung from flesh and flesh from bone and Sam screamed a lot, screamed pleas and curses and threats that did no good, but it was okay. Everything was okay, because they always spoke to Sam in a way even more demeaning than they used to speak to Dean, they assured him. Dean was a kiddo and a sport. Sam was a darling little boy.
“I want to go home,” Sam said, then. And now.
I loved that whooooole part.
I want to wash my hands,” he said now. “They have your spit on them and I feel violated.”
It's delicate and disassociated and lovely. Fantastic job.
“I didn’t ask if you were fine. I told you to change.”
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