Scott's Votes for PSi's Executive Council Members

Mar 02, 2012 08:50

PoetrySlam Inc. will be having elections next Saturday to install new board mmbers. We have a larger number of slots open than usual, six to be exact: three 2-year terms and three 1-year terms. Usually it's 3 or 4, dependng on the rotation. We had some slots open up mid-term this time around, so we have more openings than usual.

This will be the ( Read more... )

executive council, psi

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Comments 13

sirenoftitan1 March 2 2012, 14:18:19 UTC
I'm going to go ahead and say that I think overlooking Syd is a major omission. While I don't agree with her at all on some things (see: seeding), she is one of the most active people on the forums other than EC and forum mods, and is constantly trying to come up with new ideas to make things run more smoothly. Also, my Minneapolis/St. Paul sources tell me she has a reputation for getting stuff done on the local level. If I had to choose one youngin' to put on the EC, it would be she at #5.


scottwoods March 2 2012, 15:45:40 UTC
You can use your vote as you see fit. I have had all the wrong run-ins for all the wrong reasons with Syd. PSi needs certain things. What she appears to be able to provide isn't something I'd vote for over the ones I've already decided. Plus, for someone who is as active as you claim, she failed to respond to all questions, and on her own steam she failed to follow-through on a couple of major issues that she either sat on a committee for or otherwise assumed stewardship of.

I'm good.


cynthia_french March 2 2012, 14:25:45 UTC
I would agree with many of the points you make here, but I would fit Syd in there somewhere. Especially over Dylan (but not necessarily in that spot). Just because when I compare those two side by side, Syd is going to accomplish a lot more. She's also more open to dialogue and compromise.


scottwoods March 2 2012, 15:46:37 UTC
You can use your vote as you see fit. For someone who would be as productive as you claim, she failed to respond to all questions, and on her own steam she failed to follow-through on a couple of major issues that she either sat on a committee for or otherwise assumed stewardship of. Also, my list isn't ranked.

I'm good.


cynthia_french March 2 2012, 17:10:15 UTC
Not trying to tell you that you are "wrong." Just bringing my own experiences into the discussion. I am not a Slam Master, therefore, I don't have an actual vote. But I am a member of the organization, and thus have an interest in it's future.

I applaud any voting member that spends the time to read through the forum platforms and discussions, mixes those with their own experiences, and discusses the candidates with the membership of the organization to make their decision. You know, instead of voting for the people that got the highest score at the last poetry slam, or voting for the people they know the best.

I know not every Slam Master actually takes the time to process in that way, and I am thankful that you do.

If I was a Slam Master, I might have my list of 6. I don't. But that doesn't mean I can't be part of the discussion as others are trying to make their decisions.


scottwoods March 2 2012, 17:36:10 UTC
And nowhere am I telling you that you can't participate. You suggested my endorsements were missing someone. I told you why I don't agree.


givemelaughter March 2 2012, 21:28:57 UTC
Of all the twin cities people, I'd say Dylan would be my choice if I had to pick one. Mainly because what he's most interested is getting slam out to the larger public via internet and other technologies. He and our slam master have already been active on that front, particularly with video and studying the stats behind youtube successes. I think he and Syd are both great for the organization, but I also see Dylan sticking around longer. Could be wrong on that, but that's how it seems to me. Again though, I like both of them for the job.


scottwoods March 2 2012, 22:25:49 UTC
It should be noted that no one needs to be on the EC to help us realize the video/YouTube/website stuff. Erik Daniel has always been willing to take in help. EC members should be too busy with other stuff anyway to be messing with codes and crunching videos.

EC does not equal "people who get the work done", and no EC in their right minds would turn down such help. Fortunately, it's not even their call. Erik decides who gets to work the site, and he's a lot more open-minded than most.


momoyeahmomo March 3 2012, 05:06:57 UTC
Well, even though I've been removed from the national scene for so long, I really appreciate the fact that there's a nice mix of names that's been around for ages and newer names that I have no clue of who they are in any way.

I'm also quite impressed, Mr. Woods, that you've decided not to run again! I think you've earned a nice rest yourself (from the administrative side that is)


nerak_g March 3 2012, 23:45:41 UTC
What PSI doesn't need is someone to stir the pot & then disappear when the questions get hard~~I caught that one, too ;-)

So ready for next week!!


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