Do they have high blood pressure?

Mar 20, 2009 17:48

Title:- Do they have high blood pressure?
Characters:- Jack, Ianto and guest
Rating:- Suitable for all
Word count:- 100
Summary:- Ianto was strangely reminded of the first time they used the mind-probe.
Disclaimer:- Property of BBC, RTD and others, not me.

Written for the tw100 '#112 Mythical Entities: Miniature' challenge.


“You okay?”

Ianto nodded dazedly, blinking through the soot that covered his face.

“What happened?” Jack continued.

“I was trying to feed our guest, it became agitated, burped and…” Ianto trailed off as the two men surveyed the cell where they had been holding the miniature dragon that had come through the Rift the previous day. The walls, floor and ceiling were singed and coated in a thin layer of gore and ash. The only clean section was a Ianto shaped area on the far wall.

Ianto sighed.

Jack smirked, “I know, I know, you only just cleaned this place!”


A/N - The dragon above is based on the volatile swamp dragons of Terry Pratchett’s Discworld as lovingly tended by Lady Sybil Vimes (neé Ramkin). The swamp dragons are probably the closest thing to the flying, fire breathing dragons of legend whilst at the same time obeying the laws of (Earth) physics.

drabble, tw100 challenge, torchwood, fic:g

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