Show but don't tell

Apr 20, 2014 23:04

Title - Show but don't tell

Characters:- Gwen, Rhys and Anwen.
Spoilers:- None - Future fic
Rating:- Suitable for all

A/N:- Written for tw100 Challenge #233: Rabbits. Also works for Challenge #81: Life after Torchwood.

Comments and con-crit make my day.

Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.


"No Anwen -"

"But -"

"I said no. You can't take Bibo to school."

"Da said it was okay."

Rhys froze, toast halfway to his mouth as two sets of eyes turned towards him.


"Well now love," he paused, swallowed then continued. "It's Anwen's first show and tell. Standing up in front of her reception class, she's nervous. Allowing her to take Bibo will make it easier. No one's going to think he's anything other than an unusual breed of rabbit."

"A very unusual rabbit," Gwen muttered as Anwen happily hugged the turquoise bundle of fluff.

"A Torchwood blue?" Rhys suggested.

2014, character:rhys, drabble, tw100 challenge, torchwood, character:gwen

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