The third greatest gift

Apr 20, 2014 22:49

Title:- The third greatest gift.

Characters:- Team
Spoilers:- None
Rating:- Suitable for all

A/N:- According to The Muppets, in their 2011 movie, the gift referred to is the third greatest gift that can ever be given, following ice cream (second) and the greatest gift ever - children.

Found on memory stick. No idea what prompt inspired it but I'm guessing tw100's prompt #230: Piece of cake.

Comments and con-crit make my day.

Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.


"Who are you?" the man shouted as Owen roughly pulled his arms behind him.

"Torchwood. And you're nicked."

"I should have known. You're too short for Judoon and too scruffy for UNIT."

Ianto raised an eyebrow.

"What am I supposed to have done only I'm on in five."

The team stared at him.

"I work here." Blank stares. "At the comedy club. Three sets a night, four nights a week. It's not much but it pays the bills."

The team looked even more confused.

"Look," the alien continued. "Taking over the universe, piece of cake. Making people laugh, that's hard."

2014, drabble, tw100 challenge, torchwood, fic:g

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