Torchwood Tribbles

Mar 19, 2009 10:35

Title:- Torchwood Tribbles
Characters:- Jack, Ianto and guest
Rating:- Suitable for all
Word count:- 100
Summary:- “Don’t…feed it!” Too late Ianto sighed inwardly..
Disclaimer:- Property of BBC, RTD and others, not me.

Written for the tw100 'mythical creatures:miniature versions' challenge. Though these are not strictly mythical creatures they have certainly entered the collective consciousness.


“Don’t…feed it!” Too late Ianto sighed inwardly.

Jack looked up questioningly, chocolate bar in hand.

“It worked on Myfanwy.”

“I know but these breed… rapidly when fed.”


Jack looked down. Where one ball of tawny fluff had been cooing softly there were now seven.

“What the…?”

“Have you never seen ‘Star Trek’? Kirk? Spock? Enterprise?”

Jack looked blank.

“They’re Tribbles. They eat everything in sight and breed like… well, Tribbles.”

“What now?” Jack pulled the chocolate away from the suddenly not so cute creatures. “Feed them to Janet?”

“I suppose. Myf’s a fussy eater.”

drabble, tw100 challenge, torchwood, fic:g

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