Title:- Sticks and stones
Summary:- A quiet afternoon in the Hub
Characters:- Team
Rating:- Suitable for all
A/N:- Started for
tw100’s challenge #215: Sticks and stones. Finished and posted for challenge #234: Unloved prompts.
Comments and con-crit always welcome.
Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.
“Cheat! You’re a dirty, rotten cheat!” Owen shouted, shattering the Hub’s relative calm.
“She is not,” Ianto replied.
“She is. She keeps letting go too soon. Of course she wins.”
“You’re just a sore loser.”
“Stupid bird,” Owen muttered, dropping the bundle of twigs in his hand into the stream running through the Hub before storming off to the autopsy bay.
“Don’t listen to the nasty man,” Ianto cooed, scratching Myfanwy’s beak.
“What was that all about?” Jack asked, finally venturing out of his office.
Ianto shrugged. “A quiet game of Pooh Sticks?”