Lamb stew

Apr 13, 2012 13:16

Title:-Lamb stew
Summary:- Jack hopes Ianto’s going to cook again
Characters:- Jack/Ianto
Word count:- 100
Rating:- PG? (it’s all in the imagination)

A/N:- Started for tw100 challenge #206: NASA (I mistyped NASA into a Google search and found the website named here instead). Finished and posted for challenge #234: Unloved prompts. Forms a sequel of sorts to Something smells good.

Comments and con-crit always appreciated.

Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others, not me sadly.


“Lamb stew again?” Jack asked hopefully spying the fresh meat in Ianto’s fridge.

“No. It’s not for you.”

“Awww!” Jack pouted and Ianto could not resist leaning in for a kiss.

“No,” he explained. “It’s for Myfanwy. I think she’s getting fed up of chocolate.”


“I caught her looking at the National Sheep Association website.”


“No idea.” Ianto shuddered. “But she was nearly licking the screen.”

“So no lamb stew?”

“No. But I’ll make you something equally tasty, I promise.”

Jack leant in close. “OK, but can I still have you for afters?”

pairing:jack/ianto, fanfiction, torchwood, drabble, character:ianto, fic:pg, tw100 challenge, 2012 a year of completed fics, character:jack

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