New Torchwood Gastronomique

Mar 30, 2012 18:51

Title:- New Torchwood Gastronomique
Summary:- Cookery - Torchwood style
Characters:- Jack, Ianto
Word count:- 100
Rating:- Suitable for all

A/N:- Written for the tw100’s Challenge #178: Cookbooks. Posted for Challenge #234: Unloved prompts.

Unbetaed - all mistakes mine. Comments and con-crit always appreciated.

Disclaimer:- TW belongs to RTD, the BBC and others, not me, sadly.


“The problem with cookbooks from the future is the number of substitutions you have to make.”


Jack took the book from Ianto, flicking through it for a moment.

“I tried to make that once.” He pointed to a picture. “Skrudintasurio. Loved it as a kid. Ideal comfort food. Warm, quick, simple.” Ianto smiled, Jack’s cooking skills left something to be desired. “But it didn’t turn out quite right.”



“What did it turn out like?”

Jack grimaced at the memory. “Haggis crossed with Welsh rarebit.”

Ianto paled.

“Exactly.” Jack smiled. “So, Chinese or pizza for dinner?”

fanfiction, torchwood, fic:g, drabble, character:ianto, tw100 challenge, character:jack, 2012 a year of completed fics

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