Fröhliche Weihnachten, Jack

Jan 28, 2009 12:48

Title: Fröhliche Weihnachten, Jack
Rating: Suitable for all
Word count: 147
Pairing:- Jack/Ianto
Disclaimer:- Not mine sadly.
Summary: Jack discovers another of Ianto's hidden talents. A little piece of Christmas related fluff..


Jack was usually the one dealing with people - getting them to open up with a flash of the Harkness grin, a quip or a saucy line but here he felt out of his comfort zone.

He looked at the young Welshman as he conversed happily with the stall holder, unable to understand a single word. He shook his head and smiled in admiration.

"Something wrong?" asked Ianto turning round.

"No... just..."


"You're full of surprises Mr Ianto Jones - English, Welsh, now I find you're fluent in German too. What other wonders are there to discover?"

Ianto looked at Jack sideways, clearly flattered, as they walked away from the twinkling lights of the Christmas market on Roald Dahl Plass.

"Many things, Jack. Many things."

A/N:- The title of the story (I am assured) is Merry Christmas. Hope everyone had a lovely time over the holidays!

pairing:jack/ianto, torchwood, fic:g

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