The cut of his jib

Apr 15, 2010 11:28

Title:- The cut of his jib
Summary:- Ianto has a change of heart.
Characters:- Jack, Ianto
Rating:- Suitable for all
Word count:- 100

Disclaimer:- Torchwood is the property of the BBC, RTD and others, not me sadly.

A/N:- Written for the tw100 challenge #147 : Pockets


“Jack, weevil spray,” Ianto shouted, not taking his eyes from the creature advancing towards him.

Jack patted the pockets of his coat. “I don’t have any.”

“What!?” Ianto dodged out of the weevil’s grasp, grimacing as claws caught his suit jacket tearing the fabric.

Undaunted, Jack launched himself at the weevil, pinning it against the wall and cuffing it tightly.

“The cans are too bulky,” Jack explained, standing back and straightening his coat so it sat perfectly. “They throw off the cut.”

Ianto looked in dismay at his ruined jacket and sighed.

Sometimes he really hated that coat!

pairing:jack/ianto, drabble, character:ianto, tw100 challenge, torchwood, character:jack, fic:g

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