Tardis swim

Apr 05, 2010 10:02

Title:- Tardis swim

Summary:- Whilst travelling on the TARDIS the Brigadier’s grandchildren, Major Caroline and Flight Lieutenant Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart, find something on the Tardis the Doctor has been trying to find for years.

A/N:- This was originally written about 18 months ago but never posted. Given certain comments Matt Smith’s Doctor makes in ‘The Eleventh Hour’ I thought now was the ideal time to post. No spoilers for the new series of DW. Set somewhere between 'Journey's End' and 'The Next Doctor'.

Part of the Family Tradition series.

Disclaimer:- Doctor Who and Torchwood are the property of the BBC, RTD, SM and others - not me, sadly.


Caroline glanced up from where she was helping the Doctor at the Tardis console. “You found it then?” she asked her brother.


The Doctor looked up to see Alistair Lethbridge-Stewart standing in the doorway his short red hair wet and standing on end. He was clothed only in a towel, wrapped round his waist, water droplets glistening on his torso and legs.

“Found the shower-room?” the Doctor asked. “I thought you found that weeks ago, down the corridor, up the stairs, through the garden and if you come to the bins you’ve gone too far...”

“No,” Ali and Caro said together, “the swimming pool!”

“Small but perfectly formed,” Ali continued. “You were right,” he turned to his sister, “the water temperature is exactly right and the wave machine is SO cool!”

The Doctor looked crestfallen. “Sarah Jane said we had a swimming pool but I’ve never been able to find it.”

“Yeah,” Ali replied. “She mentioned it - that’s why we knew to look.”

“You know Sarah Jane?” the Doctor asked - even for Lethbridge-Stewarts these two were full of surprises.

Caro nodded. “She went out with Dad for a while before he met Mum but it didn’t come to anything.”

The Doctors hearts went out to Sarah Jane. He had shown her so much wonder in the universe then cut her off, left her to fend for herself back on Earth, without making sure there was anyone there to support her.

“Dad says Gramps was so disappointed when they stopped going out,” Ali added.

The Doctor shook his head, it was taking some getting used to, the idea of the Brigadier being referred to as Gramps, the name somehow did not fit with the military man he had known for so many years.

“But she and Dad kept in touch,” Caro continued.

“Then after she took in Luke, who is going to be a total heart-breaker when he’s older by the way, Dad and Gramps pulled a few strings to help her get the paperwork Mr. Smith couldn’t to allow her to adopt him officially,” Ali concluded.

“Oh,” was all the Doctor could manage in response.

“So,” Ali asked, coming over to the Tardis console. “Is there anything I can do to help?”

“Eew!” Caro squealed as he rubbed up against her. “Get away! You’re still all wet. Water and electrics don’t mix - even a member of the junior service like you, Biggles, should know that!”

Ali smirked and continued rubbing his wet chest against his sister’s bare arms.

“Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart,” Caro shouted in a tone that brooked no argument. “Behave!”

Ali’s spine reacted to her tone without reference to his brain and he immediately pulled away from Caro but the cheeky smile remained on his face.

“Now go get dressed,” Caro continued and the Doctor could suddenly see the petite, slightly built woman in complete command of a squad of burly army men.

“Yes, ma’am,” Ali barked and saluted.

Caro smiled, triumphant, and then disappeared under a mass of white towelling as Ali ripped the towel from round his waist, threw it over her head and ran naked from the control room.

“Brat!” Caro all but screamed as she fought her way out from under the towel.

The Doctor smiled fondly - brothers and sisters are the same the galaxy over, he thought.

character:ali l-s, doctor who (new), series:family tradition, character:caro l-s

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