Finally home

Feb 12, 2010 17:41

Title:- Finally home
Summary:- Jack and Ianto’s first date doesn’t go quite as Jack had hoped.
Characters:- Jack/Ianto
Setting:- Sometime soon after 'Kiss, kiss, bang, bang'
Spoilers:- None
Rating:- Suitable for all

Disclaimer:- Torchwood is property of the BBC, RTD and others, not me, sadly.

A/N:- My take on a Torchwood fan-fiction staple - Jack and Ianto's first date. Originally posted to Whofic mid-2008 (I could have sworn I'd posted this here already but apparently not!). Hope you enjoy.


Jack lay nestled against Ianto in his little bedroom under his office and smiled. It had taken over 100 years and many, many false starts but he had finally made it. He was home.

At times on the Valiant, during the year that never was, he had feared that he had lost the thing he cared for most in the world almost before he had realised. If Ianto had been injured or killed on the Master's wild goose chase to the Himalayas or one of the 10% of the world population killed by the Toclafane Jack would have been devastated he knew. But when he had left to follow the Doctor he had not given the young Welshman a second thought, he was ashamed to admit now.

When he had come back he had been thrilled to see Ianto with the rest of the team - healthy, more involved with the team than he had been when Jack had left. But he had kept his distance from his boss and former lover. Jack had feared his desertion had pushed Ianto too far away for him to ever be able to bridge the gap.

Asking Ianto on a date had been something he had dreamed of on the Valiant but it had been so difficult in reality, the fear of being rejected, the fear of being accepted and then screwing up.

It had taken weeks to find a time when the Rift was quiet enough that they could get away and even when, earlier in the day, they had actually managed to get away, things had not gone too well to begin with - they had decided by mutual agreement (well Ianto had decided and Jack had deferred to him) that maybe the meal and movie Jack had originally suggested was a bit much for a first date and they had opted for a simple drink instead. But when they arrived at the chosen pub it was heaving with rugby fans celebrating the Welsh national team victory that afternoon. As they wandered round the city centre every pub seemed busier than the last until the two men gravitated to the bay just to get some space and peace despite the drizzle that was falling.

Looking out over the leaden waters of the bay Jack slipped his hand into Ianto's.

"I'm sorry," he whispered. "This isn't exactly what I had in mind."

Without turning to him Ianto asked, "What did you have in mind?"

Jack, hesitantly at first, then with more confidence as he saw Ianto smile softly out of the corner of his eye, began to describe exactly how he had envisaged their first date - a quiet meal in a good restaurant with crisp linen napkins, fine wine and subtle lighting, candles softly illuminating Ianto's face across from him as they talked about books, films, politics - anything apart from work. Then a walk arm in arm around the bay watching the light of the setting sun play on the water and the breeze rippling gently through their hair. Finally to escort Ianto home and, like the gentleman he wanted to be, politely refuse the offer of coffee, tempting though it would be, and leave the young man at his front door with a chaste kiss and a promise to phone in the morning.

The drizzle had turned to a steady downpour as Jack talked. They were both soaked through but neither had noticed.

"I like the sound of that," Ianto whispered after a pause, still not catching Jack's eye. "Maybe we should try that for our second date," he smiled shyly.

Turning to Jack he looked at the older man's dripping hair and wet face, his smile widening into a grin. "Though we'll both die of pneumonia first if we don't get out of these wet clothes soon - or at least I will!" and taking a firmer grip on Jack's hand pulled him towards the Tourist Information Office door that was the main entrance to the Hub.

"Let's get dried off and get some coffee and see what ways we can come up with for getting warm!" Ianto laughed as he unlocked the door looking happier than Jack could ever remember seeing him.

Jack grinned at the memory as he caressed the loose curls of Ianto's hair as he slept, washed free of gel by the rain. "Oh yes," he thought giving Ianto a gentle squeeze, "I'm finally home!”

pairing:jack/ianto, fanfiction, character:ianto, torchwood, character:jack, fic:g

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