Title:- Fishing trip
Summary:- Jack takes Ianto and Gwen on a unusual fishing trip
Characters:- Jack/Ianto, Gwen
Rating:- Suitable for all
Word count:- 100
Disclaimer:- Torchwood belongs to the BBC, RTD and others, not me sadly.
Written for
tw100's Challenge 137 : Scotland
A/N:- Based on an article in the paper recently fearing for the health of a certain Highland loch dweller after a recent dearth of sightings in recent years.
“Why are we here?” Gwen asked from the stern of the rowboat, teeth chattering slightly.
“Nessie hasn’t been seen for a while. Thought I should check up on her,” Jack replied, throwing equipment overboard.
“But the lake..”
“Loch,” Ianto corrected.
“Has been checked loads of times. Nothing. Nada.”
“But adjust the frequency a little…” Jack turned a knob on the control panel. “She comes a-swimming.”
Ianto and Gwen gasped a large head rose up beside them.
“What does she want?”
“Fed, of course.”
“What with, chocolate?” Gwen smiled at Ianto’s glare.
“No.” Jack reached under a tarpaulin. “Whisky!”